It's almost time! Duck buyers unite!

I have a very small coop recommend for 6-8 chickens. We are planning on building a new coop and (hopefully) putting ducks in the old one. How many will fit in the tiny coop? Do I need a drake? What is the best breed for a lot of eggs?
Thanks! They're just too cute!

When advertisers say for 6-8 chickens, when you are thinking humanly, it should probably only hold about 4 or 5 chickens. But in terms of ducks, I would sugguest the magpie breed. 290 eggs per year and they are small. You could probably comfortably (for the ducks!) fit 4 magpie ducks into that coop. Do they also have a run or outside access?
I actually have a question...I know ducks are supposed to live for about 10 years, but if a few got sick and died, the next spring, would I be able to add ducklings?? Also, what should I do to prevent them getting an intestinal parasite? That is what I think my chickens died of.....
I’m so excited! I’ve been lurking here and on some Facebook groups and I’ve decided I want to get one of each breed! Ha! But really though I’m looking for some small breeders focusing on quality so if anyone has some recommendations I’d love it. I’m not really interested in the large hatcheries that focus more on quantity. When do most start their waiting lists? January?
I’m so excited! I’ve been lurking here and on some Facebook groups and I’ve decided I want to get one of each breed! Ha! But really though I’m looking for some small breeders focusing on quality so if anyone has some recommendations I’d love it. I’m not really interested in the large hatcheries that focus more on quantity. When do most start their waiting lists? January?

I'd start looking for breeders in your area now. That way they can let you know when they have the breeds you are looking for available. Even if they say call back in March, at least then you know and can be ready.

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