It's getting colder. What do I do?


Aug 26, 2019
Its starting to cool down here in Tennessee and its cooling rather quickly. Last week I was having to worry about my ducks overheating now I have to worry about them freezing. Last night it got down to 50 degrees (Fahrenheit). I just put in fresh straw and they have some little boxes in the yard that they can go into during the day. It doesn't usually get absolutely freezing cold but it can dip below freezing a time or two. What all can I do to help my children stay warm?
Its starting to cool down here in Tennessee and its cooling rather quickly. Last week I was having to worry about my ducks overheating now I have to worry about them freezing. Last night it got down to 50 degrees (Fahrenheit). I just put in fresh straw and they have some little boxes in the yard that they can go into during the day. It doesn't usually get absolutely freezing cold but it can dip below freezing a time or two. What all can I do to help my children stay warm?
Ducks will be just fine in TN through the winter. My inlaws live there and raise chickens without any problems all year around, and they are at high elevation in the mountains where it gets cooler and wetter.
Remember, ducks have down. All those fluffy feathers do an incredible job of insulating them. If temps start getting below freezing (below 32F) just be sure to provide the ducks plenty of dry bedding and shelter from the wind, rain and snow. Also, make sure their shelter is well ventilated. Humidity will collect in the air of a closed up coop due to the ducks' respiration and can lead to frost bite in freezing temps by condensing and freezing on any exposed skin. You can still let them out though as long as they are willing. You might be shocked by how much they enjoy getting out into the snow in the dead of winter.

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