It's The Final (Chick!) Countdown!

they all look the same, except the line Wheaton and this little fellow
Here are the main colored ones
I am very happy with cackle hatchery. They all seem very healthy and ate a whole egg already
Oh my goodness they are SO CUTE!!!!! Petra, did you order Easter eggers? Because I see some adorable little cheeks!!! AW, THEY ARE SO PRECIOUS!!!! assets/png/1f60d.png?v=2.2.7[/IMG]
Mrahaggha! Noises of happiness are coming out if my mouth! I was really hoping for those! I have 2 of them too!!

Then I hope it is! I can't find anything else they sell that looks that close so far. If I do I will tell you though! Aw, they are just SO CUTE!!!

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