It's time to go to the blood suckers again

Good for you!

I don't weigh enough so they won't take me

They love my dad. Apparently he has what they call "baby blood" it's special something about a lack of a virus that "everyone" has or something like that - I don't really know what it means
but he donates enough to make up for me I hope
not that i dont wanna its that i have a deadly fear of needles and blood! when i was 8 it took 6 nurses to hold me down to give me 1 shot!
4 years old.. i think it was for strap throat, 4 nurses holding my legs and a 300 pound guy holding me down, Then the doctor gave me the shot.. After that i was fine though, it was my first shot so i was freaking out lol
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I'm grateful to those of you that give blood. Two years ago, I had to have two units after a miscarriage (and being left to bleed in a hospital bed from 5:30 pm until near midnight until the head nurse finished her paperwork and got around to calling my doctor)

I have extremely low blood pressure (especially in early pregnancy) and losing even a little is a HUGE deal for me. I turned very grey and they couldn't get any blood pressure readings on me by then. My doctor was furious once he was called, but got me into surgery fast and when I came out, I was being set up to receive blood. (He told the state to investigate my situation and personally chewed out the staff for my treatment.)

I was so COLD before that second unit went in, and my head ached badly and I felt so weak and tired. While I still needed a few month to recover fully, I don't know how I would have made it without the donation.

I'm eternally grateful for that gift someone gave to me!
I used to be afraid, too. Took 2 nurses, my mom, & the doctor to vaccinate me for kindergarten. When I was in college I finally decided that the fear was irrational. I signed up to donate blood with some friends. Some friends they where: they bagged on me & went bowling. I was so mad - not to mention stubborn - that I went alone. I was really scared and nervous but I decided that there were people who needed my blood more than I needed to be afraid. My friendships with those people didn't last much more than a few more months.

It's sort of a New Year's goal to be a more active blood donor. I gave blood on 12/24 and sign up to donate next on July 3 - the day before a major holiday. I'm going to take the day off from work to do this!
They won't take mine either. Cause I won't let em. Yes I am a wimp when it comes to that. And fer other reasons too I'm defunktive.
To those who can and do donate I have 2 things to say. 1) Drink lots of water the ight before itcan make it easier.
2) Thank you very much for what you do. I have a lot of respect for you.
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