Jack Russell Terrier vs. Coon - Fight Photos & Dead Predator

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let me just say ..(i didnt read the whole thing ) i know for a fact that dog was not forced to jump on that coon (not saying he was ) , only because i have a JRT & she has a drive in her that she just lives for an oppertunity to find something in the back yard to chew up. she cleaned up our raised flower bed of shrews & got a few moles in the yard also.. way to go Titus!!!
Duly noted.
Good dog.

OP, I'll repeat you were lucky it wasn't a larger more mature coon. Don't worry about all the criticism, just can't win. To warn of graphic photos is wrong, to not warn is wrong. To post photos of dead coons is okay, dying coons it's not. In a world with people nobody wins because it's all opinions.

My opinion is you did well, took your dog to the vet. Next time know what he's up against before you give him the go ahead. It would have been very bad for your dog had the opponant been any larger or older. I'm glad you were rid of a predator that was tearing your birds apart alive and I'm glad you didn't loose a dog in the process.
My mother has a Jack. She doesn't look a fraction as tough as Titus. But, we don't let Cashew out when there's a bear around. There's no doubt she'd go after it! And no way, no how is she allowed out when the chickens are out

Boyd wrote:
What KeystonePaul said has a lot of truth to it, and I agree.

But the OP never mentioned poison, antifreeze, sponges full of grease and shooting and burying somebody's dog.

P&P is a touchy area. If someone is so offended that they need to pass judgement on to us, we kindly ask them to move on before a flame war starts and gets a thread locked.

Duly noted.

That's very true Boyd. I'm not offended and not passing judgement, but am saying that if the general public takes up the cause judgement will be passed. It'll be the animal rights groups leading the general public to the conclusions they'd like drawn.... I run hounds I've seen what hounds do be twisted illogically to conclusions and statements about hound hunting that are just ludicrous, but that doesn't stop those ludicrous opinions from shaping and changing laws. I really, really don't think I'm playing chicken little here, running around saying the sky is falling. I think the possibility of the questionable stuff on the P&P having a negative impact on chicken owners is real.
Oh and I almost forgot, to the OP give ole Titus a nice belly rub for me if you would. I did like the pic of him lounging amongst the chickens. Titus and his peeps. Peace, Keystonepaul
I don't think we have to agree. I disagree with SSS and have said so on a number of occasions. I also think it is fine for someone to be okay with the idea of dogs killing predators, and then being surprised they were disturbed by photos of the actual killing (I wasn't too much probably because I've seen the real thing live several times).

But there are some posting in this thread who are clearly disturbed by even the idea of it. To then click on a thread so clearly labeled as this one seems a bit morbid and odd to me.

I do confess it got my hackles up a bit because the OP is a fellow BYC Okie and a very nice person. For people to accuse her of cruelty or of being in any way mean is just completely off the mark. It is one thing to find the pictures disturbing. Quite another to attribute "unsavory" attributes to someone like CityClucks.
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