James Marie Pharaoh vs. American Pharaoh quail?

I heard about this on another group. Do you know where I could view photos of the silver and blue varieties? I'd like to know what they look like before I put in an order for some. Or does he send photos if you're interested and call?
Here are the pictures he sent me.

Wow, thank you! Are the top two silver, and the bottom two blue, or is it the other way around? Curious about the pricing too. I heard he got blue stock from Canada.
Yes, he got the silver / blue line from a breeder in Canada. This is the only silver or blues that have been legally brought to the US. Being so rare, im sure they will be priced accordingly... He is taking orders now. Shipping should start mid April. Give him a call to order thou.... BTW, these also carry the Clean blue egg gene "Celadon" is what the color actually is. These are very rare.
The first one is a Bleu Tuxedo, the next two are junior silver and the last is adult plumage of a Silver. Now I'm trying to research the genetics on these. I found that if you cross silver with reds you can get lavender.
He said they will start shipping out in April. I haven't asked recently to see how many orders he has placed but I'd recommend getting on the order list.
It will be $100 for 15 eggs, shipping starts mid April, and the list is getting longer by the day.

I was told it was 12 - but that he was going to send extra to try and make sure people get the most for their money. There is always the possibility of a broken egg in shipment, one that doesn't develop or that one hatches as a wild color brown instead of silver. Brown is dominate so its always a possibility.

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