Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

I stacked my eggs on top of each other too. I had 72 eggs and 1 incubator and didn't want to waste any.
When I candle at day 7, I pull the clear ones out then.
What about dark or hard to see ones?

If they are completely clear at day 10 you can pull them. If you have any doubt, leave them in. I rarely candle until lockdown unless my bators are over stuffed & I need space. I'm really bad about over stuffing my bators. I usually hatch in 1 & stack layers of eggs in the other 2 until lockdown when they go to the hatcher. Nothing like a game of Egg Tetris.
I have tons of doubts lol I will probably leave it for a few more days til I candle on day 14. WoW that's a lot of eggs! Maybe when I get more experience I will be able to do lots of eggs...What do you use for a hatcher?

I stacked my eggs on top of each other too. I had 72 eggs and 1 incubator and didn't want to waste any.
WoW again!

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