Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

I wish I could offer you some advise on this one. I have never experienced this before. If you know that you are not heated evenly it may take another day or so. When was the last candling? I wish you luck. RO
Candled tonight. Those babies are hanging in there. Float-tested two days ago with a pass and a maybe. Their moving though! Just using lots of electricity running the bator for a maybe. I'll post final results :) thanks :lol:
Day 26+. I have two eggs that just won't hatch!!!! They are wobbling/pecking sounds, etc...no internal pip that I can see candled. No chirping. Definite movements. What is the longest you'll wait for a hatch?????? 16/20 have hatched days ago (2 died), and waiting. Any success stories? Obviously my bator isn't evenly heating, and I'll be rotating differently next hatch, but stuck with the decision of what to do. How much longer do those little guys need???? I'm out of town in three days so they better hurry!!

I think that if it were me... I would make a pip hole and see what is going on in there. maybe the shell is too thick to get through? do you see yolk in the tips? if you want to PM me I can try to walk you through it the best way I know how.
it is something that I choose to do after experiencing seeing them moving (alive) and eggtopsying them dead days later, wondering why they didn't hatch. I believe yours are not shipped, so I might not be as cavalier with opening them if that is the case. if you have not hatched from your hens before, extra calcium and too-thick shells is a real possibility.
Yeah, I'm torn between waiting to see if any more pip tonight (2 more did while I was posting about the first one) or trying to lay down for a bit (it's a lil after midnight here) With my luck, that would happen to me and I would miss the first one hatching lol

I have a few different ones...NHR, BA, BSL, White Plymoth Rock, Polish, EE, BR, RIR. Some are mixed with a RIR rooster and my rooster who I don't know exactly what he is...lol RIR mix or game mix

I bet if you go to bed, you will wake up in time to see it hatch :) usually it's an agonizing 12+hr wait after 1st pip, but if you can sleep through most of it, time will fly!

I bet if you go to bed, you will wake up in time to see it hatch :) usually it's an agonizing 12+hr wait after 1st pip, but if you can sleep through most of it, time will fly!
Yeah...you guys are probably right...My 2 Roos will probably wake me up at like 5 anyway (temporary house chickens lol and NOT quite house guests in the morning) Or my DH should wake me up at 6 if there's something going on in there!
Both eggs were pipped to find membrane filled with blood. I'm baffled. I have 14 healthy chicks out of the 16 that hatched. Very happy :)
1st chick is OUT!!! Of course it popped out while I was sleeping lol but I woke up to it bumping around in the bator!
I am trying to upload pics but am having issues for some reason... Got it

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Both eggs were pipped to find membrane filled with blood. I'm baffled. I have 14 healthy chicks out of the 16 that hatched. Very happy
Congrats on the 14!
[COLOR=0000CD]1st chick is OUT!!! Of course it popped out while I was sleeping lol but I woke up to it bumping around in the bator! [/COLOR] [COLOR=0000CD]I am trying to upload pics but am having issues for some reason... [/COLOR][COLOR=0000CD] Got it[/COLOR]
Hip hip hooray!!!!!! :clap

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