Janoel Incubation Experience

Crazy busy here too....my fan wasnt from dander build up i dont hatch in the janoel...i incubate in it and 2 other table top incubators and then hatch in a cabinet bator normally, because i have staggered hatches. I ordered buff laced polish, Silver laced polish and crele polish...so after they hatch and i can get some golden laced polish hatched then i will be done for the year so long as my hatch the next few days goes well, i have white crested blue in two hatched so far one white crested black and 1 white crested blue. We are also suppose to be going to discuss the details of the farm we are buying, tomorrow so i'm excited about that! Hope everything is going good for everyone else!!

For parts i only place i could find is a guy in aussie and the fan itself is $55 thru him plus shipping to the US...i can buy a new janoel for $104 so i think i am just gonna buy another and keep the old one for spare parts but put the turner and motor in the cabinet bator....or use my turner and motor and the base off my old bator and make myself a double stack janoel8-96 lol, we shall see.
I am with you. It's cheaper to buy a new one. I am really looking forward to getting my cabinet and buying a few of these just to hatch in. I believe they will last really long as they will just be used for 5 days at a time instead of 23.
thanks guys. I will purchase a thermometer and hygrometer.

any ideas on why the alarm is going off so often after hatching started?
I would guess t's your humidity. The egg cracks and al that moisture is setting off your humidity alarm.

I'm back in the saddle again! I will be setting eggs on Friday. I have rebuilt my chick room and all my 70 pullets are coming into lay...whew! 8 skunks trapped and shot since March. 22 chick losses due to skunks. I think I have erected Forte Knox for a chick room now.
FIRST TIME using the J24 - The temperature keeps fluctuating in it. I have a seperate thermometer in it that reads different from the one that is built in. I have it taped to one of the inside see-through sides so as to not interfere with the automatic turner.

At first I reached ideal temperature of 99.5 with the help of wrapping 2 towel around it. However the temperature shot up over the span of about 4 hours to 102-103. I immediately removed one of the towels and was able to bring the temperature down. AGAIN all these readings are from my separate thermometer which I have taped inside.

Any pointers or instructions that any of you have used and has worked to troubleshoot this problem? Is wrapping it really necessary? I read somewhere on a thread that wrapping a bowl around it while not covering the hole on top is recommended.

Any guidance here would be a great help to me…..thank you
[COLOR=333333]FIRST TIME using the J24 - The temperature keeps fluctuating in it.  I have a seperate thermometer in it that reads different from the one that is built in.  I have it taped to one of the inside see-through sides so as to not interfere with the automatic turner.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]At first I reached ideal temperature of 99.5 with the help of wrapping 2 towel around it.  However the temperature shot up over the span of about 4 hours to 102-103.  I immediately removed one of the towels and was able to bring the temperature down. AGAIN all these readings are from my separate thermometer which I have taped inside.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]Any pointers or instructions that any of you have used and has worked to troubleshoot this problem?  Is wrapping it really necessary?  I read somewhere on a thread that wrapping a bowl around it while not covering the hole on top is recommended.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]Any guidance here would be a great help to me…..thank you[/COLOR]

A couple of thoughts - definitely dont close off any of the vents with your wrapping. Top, sides, or bottom. It really shouldn't be necessary to wrap the unit, I just found that the insulation that I put around the outside of mine seemed to help steady the temp, but that was winter time. Definitely do not cover the top. I would bet it would overwork the heater.

Also, the thermometer taped to the side may not be the best place. Near the center would be better because of air flow. Multiple thermometers would be nice, placed throughout the incubator. At least check your temps in other areas, by moving the one you have around a little.
Thank You for your help…I will keep updating the thread and do the best I can. Keeping fingers crossed
Hey everyone!

I am back in the bator again. I have had steady temp and have added a little water to one channel. My hatch is in 14 days.

How the heck is everyone?

We are super busy here on the farm. I have 100 pullets and our egg business is taking off. We ordered 200 more chicks and I am hatching olive eggers for the egg box variety. My Orpingtons are almost big enough to start breeding and I am thrilled! Our pepper field (1/4 acre) is looking amazing and we will be chunking peppers into fermentation barrels at the beginning of October. All the garlic is waiting to be dug up and my walla wallas are the size of baseballs. Just a few more weeks before dry down. We harvested sand cherries this year that I juiced and will make jelly with in the off months....

Eeek-- predator pressure is down finally, but I have a skunk to trap tonight.

I want lavender pics! Updates everyone!!!!!

Blessings to you all,
Heron's Nest Farm
Hi there! Glad to hear all is well and busy with you. I've got eggs in the bator again too! I'm on day 12, I think. But... I got rid of my Janoel knockoff when the temp wouldn't hold for the end of my last hatch. I found a Brinsea 20 Advance with humidity pump on CL,had only been used once. Its been amazing!! Steady temp and humidity since turning it on!!
I have 32 bantam eggs in it. 17 golden sebrights, 6 black tail buff Japanese, 5 silver duckwing OEGBs and 4 silver sebrights. Found 6 clear, and have 2 early quitters so far, but the rest look awesome!

So it looks like I'm a few days ahead of you, so expect a report from me around your lockdown time!
Oh I forgot, my lav orps are 18 weeks old. Ended up with 3 male, 7 female. Still have them all, haven't decided whether to get rid of 2 males or what. I can't choose one to keep! I'll post some pics as soon as I can. They are beautiful, I must say!!

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