January 2017 Hatch-a-long

Joining I have 13 call duck eggs due Jan 9! So excited! This is my second attempt BC the 1st time I really didn't know anything and I messed it all up! Not to mention my bator temp was off but got 3 thermometers in there now everything looks really good so far today's day 11 good luck to all and happy hatching!!
Has anyone had to travel while they were hatching? I have to go on a trip sooner than planned. I will only be gone about 36 hours, but no on else will be home. My incubator has always been a steady so I not too worried about the temps but I dont' have an automatic turner. They will be on days 8 and 9, think they will be ok?
set my quail eggs tonight 148. 2 were cracked during shipping.

Has anyone had to travel while they were hatching? I have to go on a trip sooner than planned. I will only be gone about 36 hours, but no on else will be home. My incubator has always been a steady so I not too worried about the temps but I dont' have an automatic turner. They will be on days 8 and 9, think they will be ok?

I think the eggs will be fine. I had a turner get unplugged for ???. found it when I went to put in lockdown and still had a good hatch.
I set my incubator last Sunday. Due to hatch Jan 8th. Marans, True Blue Whitings and olive eggers!

This never gets old for me!
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I set 9 coturnix quail eggs today. It's my last try with the LG9300 while I wait on my Brinsea. I wanted to give it one last chance without wasting too many eggs. This makes about 100 eggs and absolutely no success. My bator spikes and drops temperature despite keeping it closed and having the circulating fan and egg turner. They develop fully but don't hatch, ever. I am a total newbie and realized that they need to be pointy side down, so I'm doing that. But even the ones before I got the egg turner that were on their sides and being turned 3 times a day didn't hatch either. So... fingers crossed!
I am ECSTATIC!! my babies(call ducks) are on day 13 and I try to candle them every couple days just to make sure they are still alive and I just candled 1 an I SAW ITS BEAK
its so freaking cute! I can't help but love them already but my boyfriend is a complete jerk and he's like I don't get excited until they are out of the egg and healthy blah blah blah! Oh well that's him! I'm beyond thrilled and excited! I'll post a recent candling video when its done uploading to YouTube
I am ECSTATIC!! my babies(call ducks) are on day 13 and I try to candle them every couple days just to make sure they are still alive and I just candled 1 an I SAW ITS BEAK
its so freaking cute! I can't help but love them already but my boyfriend is a complete jerk and he's like I don't get excited until they are out of the egg and healthy blah blah blah! Oh well that's him! I'm beyond thrilled and excited! I'll post a recent candling video when its done uploading to YouTube

That's really cool! I'm planning on setting some Call duck eggs in a couple of days :)

BTW you shouldn't candle them too often, from what I've read....

Here is six days worth of eggs from our mixed flock. Since my fridge is already stocked I figure what the heck! I'll throw them in the incubators. They've been empty since October.
Worst case scenario I'll be overrun with ducklings. :)
I've got ducks- 7 that lay every day, Rhode Island Reds- 2 that lay and Black Polish- 2, but they aren't consistent. Though I don't know if the Reds are fertile, my only roosters are bantams, and I have seen them try, but don't know if they can actually get the job done.
We will find out soon. Wish me luck!

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