Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Kathyinmo It was an experience You dont get to talk to the judges. When they are judging they rope off the isle so noone can bother them. It wasnt as large a show as usual as it was so cold many people registered but did not show. I dont think they used a jpoint system but I can say for sure. I did see marks on some of the cards like them were checking points but I cant be sure. I know in the standard cochin area they couldnt have been using points as most of the cochins were from the same breeder and they looked bigger than my giants. They really looked like they were on steriods. I have seen some big cochins but these were so huge and fat they could not have been the standard but they won. In fact one hen took best english. There were only a few giants there most of the birds at the show were banties cage after cage of them. I felt really comfortable at the show because there were alot of BYC friends attending. As usual they were alot of help and comfort. We drove down each day and we had a 2 hour drive each way next time I will get a hotel as we were exhausted by Sunday. I am also getting some longjohns to wear just in case. I have never been so cold. We were outside most of the day it was 20 degrees with a windchill I would bet it was in the teens. They ran out of coffee and hot chocolate because everyone was so cold. The bathrooms were so far away you froze getting there. The building the main show was in was not heated so it was very cold in there as well. I know you are up north but that is cold no matter where you live. We southerners are not used to that kind of weather and don't have the warm clothing to combat the cold. My feet still havent thawed You should try it Even if you dont win its a learning experience. My Dh was so excited he wants to go to the next one in Georgia next month. Hes already planning on who should
Micki ...
That sounds like such a fun experience. Making it even better is winning recognition! I can hardly wait to go to a show. I have heard others say that they learn alot by talking to the judges at the end of the show. .... asking them questions etc.

Did you get any pictures of those Giant Cochins?
To All Jersey Giant Breeders,

We have just been granted a double Special Meet at the April 17th Pine Bluff, AR show. Please remember that some great awards are being offered, particularly to Large Fowl. A trophy plaque will be awarded to 'Best of Breed' for any breed with ten large fowl entered. Also, if we have a total of at least 100 large fowl at the show, $100 cash will be awarded to the owner of the Champion Large Fowl in EACH show! See details below . . Novice exhibitors are encouraged to enter! Email me if you have any questions.

April 17, 2010 ~ Pine Bluff, Arkansas, The BIG BIRD Classic. Double Judged Show. Limited to the first 200 Large Fowl and 200 Bantams only. Novices and Youth exhibitors are encouraged to exhibit your birds. Show Birds for sale at show. Judges: Steve Jones and Jim Crain. Contact: Ann Charles, 11418 Shiloh Church Rd., Mena, AR 71953 email: [email protected] WEBSITE:

Hope to see you there!

Ann Charles
APA Arkansas State Representative
Thanks, Ann. I hope I can go to the show .... gotta check out the distance from here!

Thanks, har, for the info on those Jersey Giants near me. I am going to go look at them tomorrow. They are from Sandhills, and I excited to go see them!
I'm so glad I found this thread! I just ordered some Silkie eggs from Bobbi Porto and asked her to throw in a few of her Blue Giants also. I am really excited about hatching some out as I love BIG chickens (I already have Brahmas and Cochins). I will be researching the JGs and you all have already been very helpful.

Kathyinmo - just how many different breeds do you have anyway?
Well, let's see ..... Hmmm, probably too many!
I have less than 200 right now (well, not including the ones in the incubator). Anyway, more than I plan to breed! I am just attempting to get my foundation breeding stock. I feel it is necessary to have a large pool to choose from, before making the final cuts. Sad thing is, even with all these that I have .... I have no eggs! Most are just growing out. Oldest are at POL now. I will have substantially fewer in the spring, when I decide. (Well, I do have Silkie eggs, and one green egg a day! LOL)

I have 24 Jersey Giants (cuz I bought 7 today!), 20 Delawares, 2 Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks, 15 Lavender Orpingtons, White Faced Black Spanish, 2 Light Sussex, a bunch of Black Copper Marans, 2 Splash Marans, 5 Blue Marans and a Birchen, Cuckoo Marans, Cochins, Silkies, (sold all the Seramas today!), Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers, 3 little Sizzle/Frizzle/Frazzle/ things, some mutts, (I'm sure I have forgotten some) ..... In the incubator I have Buckeyes, BBS Orps, Naked Necks, Wheaton Marans, "Specials,"
( ), and I am waiting on some really special eggs that should come soon!

Of course, there are more I want to try, that I still don't have! I will probably cut all the Marans, except one variety (maybe)!

And I wish someone would come take this buff laced Polish roo!
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I had a buff Polish roo that I had to cull last week.
He just kept getting meaner and more aggressive everyday. Then he started crowing at all hours of the night, even when closed up in the coop. The finnal straw was when he took off chasing a girl scout that was walking down the street on the other side.
Sad to say but I am glad he is gone.

I have three Black Jersey Giants that are about four months old now. I bought them at an auction up in Keytseville MO back at the end of Oct. It turned out that the seller was a fellow BYCer. I have two roos and one pullet. So far they have been friendly birds and they are very beautiful! One roo and the pullet are pure black with that green sheen on them but the other roo which is bigger is also black with green sheen to him but he also has some copper streaks in his feathers. Probably does not meet the standards but is the best looking bird that I have!
Did I mention they have huge feet.
Do you have pictures of your Jersey Giants? I would love to see them! I am gonna take pictures tomorrow, and post for critiques!

My buff laced Polish is actually a big ol' baby. He was named, Baby, because we thought he was a girl, and we babied it along and gave extra vitamins and such ... very much at the bottom of the pecking order since hatch! Out of 44 chicks, this one always was last. Now, I sold everything else ..... but nobody wanted a rooster, so he is still here!

Today, I bought 7 Jersey Giants, from Sand Hills line. 2 are roosters, and they are 10 months old. These are the ones I will take pictures of tomorrow and post. My first thought is that they are too light weight. I will need to boost their nutrition, I suspect.

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