Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

these are my 2 jersey giant crosses, mum is black jg, and dad is the roo on my profile pic do they look more gersey? they are huge ! 11 inch at 3 wks old

3 NH Reds - I use 45 as the perfect humidity for days 1-19, then increase to 62-65 on day 19. know why you like that black male so well? Mmmm-hmmm....tell everyone how many blacks you have..... Just kidding!! Both are nice birds.

Been conversing with some of you via PM - have enjoyed getting to know you on a bit more personal level! Thanks for writing!

I HOPE go have some pics of my Giant babies from Mr. Calhoun soon. I hatched them with a few Black Copper Marans, and darned if they don't look very similar. Of course the Marans have feathered shanks. Then again, on occasion, you DO get a Marans with clean shanks. Uh-oh.....
JG Rooster.. would love yall's opinion these are my first JG's and plan to breed and raise some and i want them to be nice looking LG's
Well I am new to JG and chickens in general.

The tail set is to high and his leg color looks almost white. They should be dark.....with yellow on the bottom......Like you young have on earlier pic.

Like I said I am new and trying to learn so may be wrong......

WOW !!!!
I never would have waited that long, let me know how the second ranger chick does.
Well the 2nd ranger never came out of the pip so I tossed it with the other eggs. First ranger was running around fine but now I can't get it to stand up well. The Giants had a field day pecking on its head, they stoppped so we will see but I doubt it recovers
3 NH Reds - I use 45 as the perfect humidity for days 1-19, then increase to 62-65 on day 19. know why you like that black male so well? Mmmm-hmmm....tell everyone how many blacks you have..... Just kidding!! Both are nice birds.

Been conversing with some of you via PM - have enjoyed getting to know you on a bit more personal level! Thanks for writing!

I HOPE go have some pics of my Giant babies from Mr. Calhoun soon. I hatched them with a few Black Copper Marans, and darned if they don't look very similar. Of course the Marans have feathered shanks. Then again, on occasion, you DO get a Marans with clean shanks. Uh-oh.....
Already collecting more eggs, in the fridge at 50*. Yea Wynette 45% sounds bettter than the 55% Next time I am going to just put a little or no water in there.

I agree about the tail set. Could just be a bad pic where he was moving around and raised the tail a bit. Would need some more pics to be sure. I think it should be more at 45 degree angle if I remember in th APA manual.

Okay I just stopped to read it. For Black Jersey Giants it says..Shanks and toes: Nearly black with a tendency towards willow, black preferred. Under part of feet: Yellow. This is on page 55 towards the bottom in the 2010 American Standards of Perfection. Thank you for the Pic Black TN Giants. Not many JG owners out there and I think we all need to learn. I don't know how old your roo is but he looks to be 12 + months maybe. I am posting a pic of the APA for everyone in case you do not have a copy of it. Love this book! I hope to add pics as mine mature.

As far as the color of his shanks and toes, it is hard to jusdge on most pics because of the sun or flash for most pics.

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