July 1st hatching ..DAY 23 for a few of us!

I have 12 Welsummer eggs from Okiehen and six of her Blue Andalusians jumping like Mexican beans (candled Sat night) & about a dozen huge mint green EE eggs due July 1st.

Sending good hatching vibes everybody's way!
that's good...yea it's HOT!!!! here as well. Today is day 15 i believe for me. Will be candeling the egg's once more tonight and removing the dead/infertile ones. I do have a question tho...

One of my buff o. eggs was growing when i candled on day 10 because i saw a dark mass with tiny vains....but when i rotated the egg from left to right....the liquid on the inside of the egg would keep moving once i stopped my hand..then it would slowly come to a stop, kinda like a snow globe effect. I have yet to check since then...but i do remember the air cell being very tiny. So what do you guy's think? And lastly, should i crack open the egg's that fail to see what's inside??? LOL for some reason i think it would be mean if i did because im scared of what may come out.
I think I'm hatching on the 2nd or 3rd. I started them on June 11 in the late afternoon. Mille Fleur and Black Mottled d'Uccles.

First time hatcher.
That's who I got my eggs from. I ordered twelve and she sent me 18, 16 of which are still going strong. And they came to me all the way to MI. She's a great seller and a really great packer.
I've 18 'barnyard' mix eggs due July 1st.

Candling results show good fertility.
One of my buff o. eggs was growing when i candled on day 10 because i saw a dark mass with tiny vains....but when i rotated the egg from left to right....the liquid on the inside of the egg would keep moving once i stopped my hand..then it would slowly come to a stop, kinda like a snow globe effect. I have yet to check since then...but i do remember the air cell being very tiny. So what do you guy's think? And lastly, should i crack open the egg's that fail to see what's inside??? LOL for some reason i think it would be mean if i did because im scared of what may come out.

Ok I'm new to this so I'm going on info I read ... not experience.
A small air cell indicates high humidity? I believe.

If the egg seemed to have a chick forming, I personally would leave it be.
Best to err on the safe side, and get a possible chick.​
My theory is, if it doesn't smell bad, leave it alone & see what happens! I've opened several I thought were bad to see what had happened & that was a big mistake as they were still viable.
I am in the July 1st hatch date range - could be a day earlier I set the eggs in the afternoon. I am hatching 4 fridge eggs that are all developing nicely. Have my fingers crossed for everyone. Can't wait to see what my fridgy babies are. They are from a local Farmer's Market - I set them on impulse after they were in the fridge for 2-3 weeks. Couldn't believe it when I saw veins, then movement - now the eggs are pretty much totally dark. I'm waiting in anticipation and suspense - this is my FIRST incubation and hatch ever!
That's who I got my eggs from. I ordered twelve and she sent me 18, 16 of which are still going strong. And they came to me all the way to MI. She's a great seller and a really great packer.

I was surprised that all the eggs made it in one piece even though the box had a big gash in the side of it! I have 9 of 12 that are still going strong. I will definately buy from her in the future and recommend her to anyone!

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