July Online Mystery Hatching Egg Swap Now Closed

Well Mr. Heinz the chick that hatched seems to be some sort of mega jumbo chick, this is by far the largest chick I have ever hatched, it is black with yellow on chest, neck and wings has enormous feet, long legs and it has sprouted a very noticeable black comb already
The only thing I can think that has long legs are my Langshan but they are not old enough to breed/lay yet in that pen. Hum, mom could be a JG cross or Australorp. I'll do a better inventory of that pen soon.
last of the swap eggs going to lock down, only 9 left out of 26, many that did not develop.....5 of these are from winklerfarms the other 4 i am not sure, return address was ca.
Quote: no it wasn't...never knew they were so small, but now I want more 3 is not enough,,,,so how big do they get, smallest birds i have are a few silkies and they are not really that small.
the sizes vary, my hens are the pretty small the roos a bit bigger then the hens here are some pics of when I first got them, they are tired from thier trip so look kind of exhausted. And just so you know we weren't making fun of you for not knowing what they were


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