June 1st Quilt Block Exchange

Well I don't know how much quilting I'll be doing now, just got back from TSC with 6 baby bantams!!!! I've got 2 that are very lethargic going to have to keep an ete on them. Atleast they'll be in my craft room so maybe I'll get something done. I've got 4 baby blankets to make, 2 within 2 weejs, the otger 2 by June. By the way we're expecting snow also Mon. Night into Tues., so much for planting potatoes Good Friday.
Are you kidding we still have snow on the ground and ice underneath! I want my plants to start coming up right NOW!!
hope your 2 turn out ok, oh weather man was calling for snow here, but now it is just rain and turning cold, I love the snow but only if I go to it I really don't like it coming to me.
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I am watching eggs hatch (don't get much of anything done staring at a 'bator) and waiting for the next batch to start hatching Monday or Tuesday. We just bought a new car - that took a while. I think I may need counseling after dealing with so many car salesmen. We eventually got what we wanted, at the right price, but it took a long time (and 5 dealerships) to do it. And now, buried in snow yet again, I need to finish up my maple syrup and dream of my garden. Last week I thought I might get to plant peas this week, but now there is a heavy layer of snow on the ground. My pepper plants (starting indoors) came up, though!

This week I have two sets of socks to work on for a friend, those shouldn't take long if I actually sit down to do them. I also have two quilting BOMs to work on before the new ones come! And I have this strange desire to de-clutter my house & start spring cleaning... THAT seriously doesn't happen around here much AT ALL!

Along the way I may come across the green fabrics I'd like to use for the swap blocks. I'll pull those and may start cutting squares.
I just joined today. These swaps are such an awesome idea! Now I'm gonna have to learn to quilt!! Anyone have any idea as to a good place to start?

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