June 2021 Hatch - A - Long

Hi! Can someone please tell me if this chick is shrink wrapped? It was pipped like this when I woke up this morning... The membrane is yellow and it has been peeping loudly all day.
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This is external pip. it can take up to 24 hours from this point before they actually zip and hatch. DO not help if the chick is moving its mouth like it is swallowing, that is a sign it is absorbing the yolk. as long as it is breathing and moving I would not even think about intervening and helping unless 24 hours have passed.
well 2 have hatched and 2 are pipped. One from miss broodies batch and the others are from the batch with the turner mishap so any that hatch from that batch is a win as far as I am concerned.

And I have shipped eggs supposed to come on Friday, so that means I will have a July hatch date. I was going to stop for July and August due to excessive heat right now, but Show quality parent stock Heritage Rhode Island Reds from an NPIP flock, well you have to get them when they are available not when you are ready for them. Which puts them around July 11th as hatching.
My 5th and last batch this year just finished! 22 chicks. I called it my blue wyandotte batch, but I only got 4 wy's so not very accurate. Haha!
I did however got some from my beloved rooster Theodore Roostervelt (my profile pic), who died suddenly not long ago. Best rooster I've ever had and I'm hoping he'll have a son with an equally wonderful temperament.


Theodore (faverolles mix) x Partridge Brahma.
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I had one pip on day 19. It looked like it internally pipped on day 18, so it definitely is a possibility! Can’t wait for yours to finally hatch!!!
Yes, I am getting anxious! She is looking pretty rough, but it’s been hot too and she won’t budge. I spent WAY too much time in there with her today, making sure her big giant flock mate didn’t sit on her to lay her egg 😟 how’s your mom and babies doing? pics?
So glad to see everyone's cute fluffy chick photos, I needed it after today!

Caught my broody eating one of her eggs today. She only had one viable in the clutch so I quickly candled, and while she ate a clear one, I could not detect any movement in the one viable egg. Its cute little foot was super clearly visible against the eggshell, which somehow seemed even sadder. Today should have been day 18 for the little guy, but I'm not very hopeful.

Then tonight was day 7 for my shipped batch in the incubator, 6 blood rings and 6 viable eggs. Then four BCMs so who knows what is going on there. But 50% blood rings? So sad. Last year I got 6 chicks out of 14 eggs set, but 12 of those 14 made it to lockdown (some serious malposition issues im pretty sure). But now with only 6 going on....only 3 babies? Sad day. Gonna look at cute chick pictures to cheer myself up now.
Yes, I am getting anxious! She is looking pretty rough, but it’s been hot too and she won’t budge. I spent WAY too much time in there with her today, making sure her big giant flock mate didn’t sit on her to lay her egg 😟 how’s your mom and babies doing? pics?
They're doing good! I lost the runt sadly, but I still have 5 healthy lively chicks:)

could you offer yours some snacks? i took mine off late on day 19 and she sat tight until day 22. no harm done!

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