June Hatch-A-Long! (Blue Ameraucanas for me!)

Added a candling day on 10 because I DO WHAT I WANT AND NOBODY'S THE BOSS OF ME!


To date, from 23 eggs set, I have 2 clears that I've pitched: 1 CCL & 1 Choc/Cuckoo Orp. I have one more Orp that I'm suspicious of, but the shells are so opaque it's hard to tell. I had thought that the Isbars were my hardest to candle, but the Orpingtons are proving to be a challenge. At this point, I'm just hoping for 3!
Well today is the DAY! - so many beautiful little fluffy puff balls on here sooooo makes me want to rush out to the coop turf the hen and see if anything is hatching yet. -darn nothing nothing nothing at all yet -:pop:pop:pop:thI have two duck eggs on the go and they are not due for another week so the incubator is up and running to finish them off if hen gets up. Ohhh never had Ducks what do I do with them????? If they hatch???? We don;t know if they are viable as the ducks are elderly - if I get some what do I need to do to feed them etc? Gosh a friend just gave me these two eggs to see if something happened? Now I worry if it does as I really have no idea about ducks! ohhh I need to go check the coop AGAIN!!!!! :weeAre they here yet - ??? :th:th:th:th:th:th
Added a candling day on 10 because I DO WHAT I WANT AND NOBODY'S THE BOSS OF ME!


To date, from 23 eggs set, I have 2 clears that I've pitched: 1 CCL & 1 Choc/Cuckoo Orp. I have one more Orp that I'm suspicious of, but the shells are so opaque it's hard to tell. I had thought that the Isbars were my hardest to candle, but the Orpingtons are proving to be a challenge. At this point, I'm just hoping for 3!
:yuckyuck That's right...you are the boss of you!!!! LOL! None of my Isbars hatched...so I hope yours do! At this point with the 12 I set a few days ago, I'm not planning to candle till lockdown day...but hey...just like you since I'm the boss of me I might change my mind ;) Keep us posted!
Well today is the DAY! - so many beautiful little fluffy puff balls on here sooooo makes me want to rush out to the coop turf the hen and see if anything is hatching yet. -darn nothing nothing nothing at all yet -:pop:pop:pop:thI have two duck eggs on the go and they are not due for another week so the incubator is up and running to finish them off if hen gets up. Ohhh never had Ducks what do I do with them????? If they hatch???? We don;t know if they are viable as the ducks are elderly - if I get some what do I need to do to feed them etc? Gosh a friend just gave me these two eggs to see if something happened? Now I worry if it does as I really have no idea about ducks! ohhh I need to go check the coop AGAIN!!!!! :weeAre they here yet - ??? :th:th:th:th:th:th
:lau...well, look at it this way, you are getting your exercise by running back and forth to the coop to check on the eggs!!! LOL!

As far as ducks...you'll need different feed than what you feed your chicks. They will also need a deeper water dish than what you give chicks. Having the incubator ready is an excellent idea (great call!). I'd recommend that you read up on some of the duck threads so that you are prepared. @Ravynscroft ...this wonderful lady is very knowledgeable about ducks and gives excellent advice, so anything you read of hers will be very helpful! Good luck with your hatch!! Can't wait to see pictures!
So I've named the three chicks I got from my 35 shipped eggs...I know dismal hatch...but I'm happy to have these three! I decided to go with a Wizard of Oz/Wicked theme for them, it was inspired by the 5 week old Brahma who I'm am 99.999999999% sure is a cockerel! He likes to fly at his siblings...:rolleyes:
Please meet....


Elphaba (The Wicked Witch of the West)...lets hope not...;)
Easter Egger


Glenda (The good witch)
Easter Egger


Olive Egger


Last but not least... Flying Monkey
Light Brahma

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