She going to let me know tomorrow. How do I private message you?

There is a little envelope at the top that will take you to messages and then you "select participants", which in this case it would just be me.

One of my chicks that hatched yesterday has blood on the side of its face, not sure why,View attachment 1825211 I checked it out and I don't know where it came from.

Aww, poor sweet peep was it there when it hatched? If it's from after hatch then it may have gotten pecked.
They're adorable! lol, What went wrong?
Where do I start lol
When I got the eggs I collected them and they where wrapped so I couldnt see the eggs then 3 where cracked
15 whereby fertile
2 that hatched where deformed
And not even half hatched
The setting and everything where 100% cause my incubator is very accurate and I've a wee stick that tell me temp and humidity and they always matched
So I've narrowed it down to a couple things inbred or eggs where older than what I had asked for or they where kept in a very warm place/ layed in very warm area and not collected
I've always got 90 -80 % in incubator so I'm going to ring to see if what the breeder says caus whe said if I had any problems to give him a ring and he would help sort it out
I'm in! I have Peacocks and Turkeys that I set in the June hatch-a-long but I realized they should probably be in the July hatch-a-long as well!

Turkeys due to hatch 7/12 and the Peacocks will hopefully start on 7/13 but there seems to be a longer window with those babies anywhere from 28 to 30 days for incubation and I set them on 6/16.

I also have 2 lonely little Blue Laced Red Wyandotte eggs that were given to me and they're due to hatch on 7/5.

And later today I will be picking up the following!
2 - Rumpless Araucanas
3 - Olive Eggers
3 - Silver Laced Wyandottes
5 - Blue Laced Red Wyandottes
4 - Whitings True Blues
7 - Cream Crested Legbars (with the Frosted gene)

I can't wait! :wee I have 4 broody hens running around will babies now, maybe if I'm lucky another will go broody before these chicks hatch and I'll just give them to her. lol
Wow, what a variety!!! What cross was used to make the OEs?
Where do I start lol
When I got the eggs I collected them and they where wrapped so I couldnt see the eggs then 3 where cracked
15 whereby fertile
2 that hatched where deformed
And not even half hatched
The setting and everything where 100% cause my incubator is very accurate and I've a wee stick that tell me temp and humidity and they always matched
So I've narrowed it down to a couple things inbred or eggs where older than what I had asked for or they where kept in a very warm place/ layed in very warm area and not collected
I've always got 90 -80 % in incubator so I'm going to ring to see if what the breeder says caus whe said if I had any problems to give him a ring and he would help sort it out

Yikes! Well if it makes you feel any better I have documented all of my hatches this year starting in March and I have had 80-100% hatches and one 70% hatch up until this month and I had my worst hatch ever at a 64% hatch rate for chicks, 60% hatch rate for goslings, and one I didn't even include because I had an entirely bad batch of duck eggs that were clearly not good after just a few days, so yeah 0%.
I'm not sure how hot it is where you're located but I'm suspecting it has something to do with the heat here in Georgia causing the eggs to have heat stress, possibly even as the hen is producing the egg.
The friend I just got eggs from I actually know is really careful about getting her eggs daily and storing them well always within a few days. When I candle her egg the air cell is tiny because they're so fresh. Anyway, even one of her eggs was actually DEVELOPING before I set it in the incubator last night, possibly that one was hiding somewhere in the nest box and she thought it was fresh, lol.
Wow, what a variety!!! What cross was used to make the OEs?

I would have to ask her again, some of them are F2s so they're second generation Olive Eggers. I know she set up a new pen with a Marans roo over some Whiting's True Blues and something else but now that I'm thinking about it, I think she gave me all F2s...I'll have to check again.
I would have to ask her again, some of them are F2s so they're second generation Olive Eggers. I know she set up a new pen with a Marans roo over some Whiting's True Blues and something else but now that I'm thinking about it, I think she gave me all F2s...I'll have to check again.
WTB! That sounds interesting!
Yikes! Well if it makes you feel any better I have documented all of my hatches this year starting in March and I have had 80-100% hatches and one 70% hatch up until this month and I had my worst hatch ever at a 64% hatch rate for chicks, 60% hatch rate for goslings, and one I didn't even include because I had an entirely bad batch of duck eggs that were clearly not good after just a few days, so yeah 0%.
I'm not sure how hot it is where you're located but I'm suspecting it has something to do with the heat here in Georgia causing the eggs to have heat stress, possibly even as the hen is producing the egg.
The friend I just got eggs from I actually know is really careful about getting her eggs daily and storing them well always within a few days. When I candle her egg the air cell is tiny because they're so fresh. Anyway, even one of her eggs was actually DEVELOPING before I set it in the incubator last night, possibly that one was hiding somewhere in the nest box and she thought it was fresh, lol.
Yea but aeast u knew the person u got ir eggs of and it was hopefully just a 1 time thing this is the second time I got eggs from this breeder and the same thing happened I dont know of he just dislikes me or something cause hes a very high and respectable man and everyone who breeds for quality says to get ur eggs from him but idk I'm just going to stick to my norm people that I get eggs from
There is a little envelope at the top that will take you to messages and then you "select participants", which in this case it would just be me.

Aww, poor sweet peep was it there when it hatched? If it's from after hatch then it may have gotten pecked.
The blood was there on hatch day. The chick is running around so maybe its just blood from hatching.
Hello, I introduced myself towards the beginning of this hatch along but I’ve mostly been on the June hatch along. Due to hatch in July I have several sets of guinea fowl eggs. I could not get my free-ranging guineas to lay eggs in the coop, so was tearing my hair out trying to find their nests. Then, a bobcat grabbed a duck, later a guinea during the day, so I locked the guineas in the coop/run for 10 days. They finally acquiesced and started a nest in the coop. I’m counting their “start” day as June 9 since that’s the first day two hens nested instead of roosting. That would give a hatch date of June 5-7... But the guineas kept laying more eggs and more hens started nesting. I pretend that I can’t see the nest, but managed this quick pic today. There are well over 100 eggs under four hens! When I rescued the nest from a black rat snake, I grabbed 12 negelected guinea eggs and put in the incubator as my “safety eggs”. I think that four were clear and two are quitters, an impressive 75% rate of fertility for a guinea cock with 8 hens (they usually pair).


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