Not my images, but for some comparison.



Cool! So a bit bigger than a duck egg?
Wow! Would not want to find a rattler in the coop. A couple of weeks ago, I went to close up the coop at dusk, and opened the big door to count all the hens. There was an extra in there - a big skunk! I closed that door so fast, lol! and it toddled out the small door, down the ramp and away into the woods.
Oh no!! lol
SO COOL! Browsing these images is not good for my hatching addiction. :lau




:gigI’m in a college town and had the funniest conversation with a female college student. She wanted duck eggs, because they are exotic, and her hoped for boyfriend had confessed to her that he’d always wanted to eat an ostrich egg, but he couldn’t find one to eat... So, she bought the duck eggs from me and cooked them for her beau. I asked how it had gone, and she said that he was so excited about the duck eggs that now they are dating. It was all too cute!!!:love
:gigI’m in a college town and had the funniest conversation with a female college student. She wanted duck eggs, because they are exotic, and her hoped for boyfriend had confessed to her that he’d always wanted to eat an ostrich egg, but he couldn’t find one to eat... So, she bought the duck eggs from me and cooked them for her beau. I asked how it had gone, and she said that he was so excited about the duck eggs that now they are dating. It was all too cute!!!:love

How fun! I bet you never guessed you would be matchmaking when you started raising ducks!
That will be a story to tell the kids!
"How did you meet mommy and daddy?"
"We fell in love over an omelet." :lau
How fun! I bet you never guessed you would be matchmaking when you started raising ducks!
That will be a story to tell the kids!
"How did you meet mommy and daddy?"
"We fell in love over an omelet." :lau
Yes! That’s what she made him! It’s kind of my ordinary day meal too!:gig

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