Just hard-boiled eggs?

I don't know anything about Algeria but avocados are not good for ducks. You may not even have them. I pick buckets full of weeds that are growing in my flower gardens and they love them and it keeps them busy.
yep DuckyDonna, you are right, when my mother goes out and comes back home, she brings weeds with her for the duckling, he likes them, and yup I should never give him avocado, nor citrus nor even bread.
yep DuckyDonna, you are right, when my mother goes out and comes back home, she brings weeds with her for the duckling, he likes them, and yup I should never give him avocado, nor citrus nor even bread.
right! YOu'll do fine as soon as you get rid of the corn and supplement with what others have told you. Glad you asked because we're here to help in any way we can! By the way! :welcome if nobody else has told you that!
right! YOu'll do fine as soon as you get rid of the corn and supplement with what others have told you. Glad you asked because we're here to help in any way we can! By the way! :welcome if nobody else has told you that!
Thanks DuckyDonna, it's good to be here surrounded by awesome people, 🥰,
I have been in the introduction section, I really got warm welcome,
thanks a lot guys
Can you post a pic of your sweet duckling? We’d love to see him or her.
he was sleeping lol, after I put the phone above him, he changed his place, he doesnt like phones lol

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