Just hatched chick back from the dead?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 5, 2012
Vineland, NJ
We've had an exciting morning watching as new baby chicks started popping out from under their momma!

However, we saw a little baby laying in the sheds to the side of the mom. About an hour later it was still in the same spot, so I went in to retrieve what I thought was a dead chick. When I picked it up it was still breathing (just barely). We brought it into the house and warmed it in some towels and gave it a few drops of water and now it's perking up. It has a small wound on the side of it's head but it now seems like it might live.

What do I do with it now? Do I put it back out with the mom and chicks? Do we set up a brooder inside for only one chick? Guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Ideally it should go out with mom and the rest of the chicks, but I'm a bit worried they will peck it's wound. Is it obvious?
Actually now that I've gotten a better look at it the wound is pretty large - most of it's neck area on one side. I'm actually surprised that it's still alive. It's under a heat lamp right now, gave it some electrolite fluid and cleaned it's wound. I would hate to have to keep alone inside but I'm afraid that the mom or the other chicks will bother it.
It's possible that this chick was weak to begin with, or has something wrong with it that you can't see and the mom was trying to dispose of it. Animals will instinctively do that. If you have Bluekote or something similar to put on the wound, you could do that and try to put it back with the rest, but I don't know that it will end well for your chick that way.
Thanks for the replies. The chick is still alive but it doesn't look all that great. It doesn't walk very well and is having trouble eating and drinking by itself. I don't think I will be able to put it back with mom, the wound is really noticible as are it's other dificulties. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it goes.
Well you could try to set it up in a brooder. Worst that can happen is it don't make it. I say whatever gives it the best chance. You could try adding some sugar to the water it may make it feel more energetic, which would make it more likely to eat and drink, which would help recovery. Anything is worth a try I always say.

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