Just Incresed my Flock


12 Years
Sep 30, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Hi folks,

Well, I decided that I don't want to wait quite as long for fresh eggs, so just now I added 3 18 weeks old Barred Plymouth Rock hens to my flock. They are massive compared to my little Lola.

I bought them from a family who were downsizing their flock. They have not yet started to lay, but they are the right age to start soon. I am going to set up a light with a timer so they get enough light to lay in the winter.

I clipped their wings, and checked them for parasites, before putting them into the henhouse. Everyone seems happy. My little girls just shuffled together on the roost to make room for the newcomers.

My feeling is, once these three new girls start laying, the younger ones will see how it's done, and lay in the nest boxes instead of God knows where.

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