just ordered chicks. I've never raised chicks. Suggestions.


11 Years
Mar 4, 2011
I just ordered some chicks that I will pick up Feb 28 and March 6. I got the brooder kit. Hubby was expecting the chicks to be outside....surprise! I was told the heat lamp has to stay on all the time. I worry about a house fire. Plus March 14 we have to be out of town all day (4 am - 9 pm) is it ok to turn off the light for that long?
I just ordered some chicks that I will pick up Feb 28 and March 6. I got the brooder kit. Hubby was expecting the chicks to be outside....surprise! I was told the heat lamp has to stay on all the time. I worry about a house fire. Plus March 14 we have to be out of town all day (4 am - 9 pm) is it ok to turn off the light for that long?
It should be outside. please make sure that the coop will be in a warm enough area. It really hazardous for a coop to be in the house.
How many chicks are you getting? What are you going to keep them in, in the house? We have ours in a big clear plastic tub in a spare bedroom. The heat lamp is clipped securely to the closet rod and the tub is partially in the closet mostly underneath it. There is a thermometer under it as well.

I will say that chicks are, um, messy! We got puppy pee pads to put in the bottom of the tub, and pine shavings over that. We change it daily - we actually have two tubs and two feeders and two waterers. So we make one clean setup and just transfer the chicks into it, then pull the dirty tub out of the way and clean it for next time. They are ten days old. We cut the middle out of one lid and replaced it with netting (duct-taped in place) because it won't be long before the start hopping/ flying out!

I think there are a couple of important things to know. First, as soon as you get your babies, dip their beaks in warm sugar water. I'll look up the ratio of sugar to water in a second. Let them tip their heads up to swallow, then dip their beaks in their food. Second, check them daily for pasty-butt, and if they start to get crusty, clean their little bottoms. They'll die if they can't poop. If you can't handle the ick factor, get gloves. Wal-Mart has them in the kitchen section, probably near the plastic wrap. I put a little Dawn in the sink with warm water. Be gentle but thorough.

Good luck and have fun!

ETA: It's 3 Tbsp sugar per quart of water.

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