Just put eggs under my broody who's with me? We are back! With Bantams

My stupid roo's always jump on the hens when they get up. What's the point? They are already pregnant:lol:
Broody didn't get up today, so I took her some very watery food. She was surprised, but she ate/drank most of it. Day 7/8 now, 2 weeks to go. Am not candling the eggs, just hoping for the best!
Doing good here. My incubator eggs go into lockdown tomorrow! I have 4 in there that when I candle all I can see is a black shadow. I'm not sure about candling the ones under my broody.
So i couldnt wait to look at the eggs! And they are doing great! Out of the 9 i put under her, 6 are for sure got babys in them! And 2 had nothing, and then 1 was kinda ify, so i put it back under her!!!!!!! I cant wait!!! How are you guys doing?

Chicken Girl
Well, I am a little behind you all (or ahead?). I had a situation where 2 broody hens were on the same nest - couldn't figure out where they kept going. (one RIR and one Buff) I finally figured it out 2 weeks ago, they were taking turns sitting on eggs in a far corner of a shed they don't usually go in. I obviously wasn't going to eat these eggs since I have no clue how old they are so figured I would let them have them since my other hens are laying well.

Last Tuesday I went to check on them and the RIR was mantled over a little baby! Yay! And the Buff was setting on the eggs. (and was quite cranky when I tried to check them out...got a handful of beak!). So, I left her there. However, that evening she was on the roost with everyone else and had abandoned the nest. Not knowing what to do I put the eggs under that momma RIR that I had put in a separate area with her baby. I don't know how long the eggs were left alone so am aware they may have all died.

After talking to some folks on here they suggested I take the eggs because momma needs to take care of her baby. It has been a week and no chicks hatched (but I don't know when the Buff started setting originally... just that it has been 2 weeks at least). I did candle the eggs and from what I can tell there is "something" there but I am not experienced at candling in the least.

So, I know the eggs are at least 2 weeks old or more because that is when I figured out where my wayward hen was. Here is my solution: I have a broody Barred Rock that I keep taking her eggs. I marked the RIR/Buff eggs, took them from RIR momma and put them under Bardy last night (stealing all the eggs she had collected during the day). I will give them another week - and it will keep her broody on eggs. In the meantime I have a dozen Buff Orpington eggs coming to me (I only have one Buff hen, no roo and I would like more Buffs). They will be here in about a week. If babies hatch under my Bardy then cool...Buff eggs will go in incubator. If babies don't hatch, I will pull them and dispose because it seems a lost cause and let Bardy start with the Buff eggs.

I wasn't really planning on hatching out eggs right now and I don't particularly care for using the incubator. But since I have one baby to get through the winter and a couple broody hens...I figured I might as well try for the chicks I want now. Let's see what happens!

So, I am either way ahead of you all or gonna be way behind! I look forward to hearing how you all do.

- Kitty

Little Rooster Croft
World Tree Rabbitry
My broody's still sitting like a stone. Day 11, 10 to go! Have a hen laying in her own little private place. I've started leaving her eggs in there. Want to see what she does. I left her mom and aunt's eggs like that and they both got up to 12 and went broody, hatched out a lot of chicks between them, so fingers crossed. It's nice and cool here and she has 2 eggs so far.
Well I came home from work today after putting my 4 lonely eggs in lockdown in the incubator yesterday and three of the four eggs have split (I'm not sure of the correct term) shells from the chicks pecking out!!!!!!
The three that are so far coming out are three different crosses the rooster was BO and the mother's are a BR, EE, and either a Australorp or BO (not sure which hen laid the one egg). The fourth egg I'm still waiting on is another BO x BR cross. Hopefully the fourth will start soon. I will probably be up all night watching the eggs hatch!!!!
My eggs are due to hatch in about 6 days. I started with 7. One was totally clear by day 8 or so, so I threw it away. Ok, I cracked it open first, to morbidly check if I was wrong or not. There was nothing but yolk, so I was right. Of the 6 remaining, 5 are quite dark green/blue EE eggs, and very tough to see through. I can see the air sac, but that's about it. I was pretty sure I saw some veining earlier on though, so i'm thinking those 5 are good. The last egg is a white egg, and while it's not totally clear, it doesn't look good to me. Since it doesn't stink though, I figure I'll keep it around.
Well 3 of them are here!!! Two hatched out last night and one during the day today. Fourth chick is working on getting out right now. They are still in the incubator since all are still wet. I know they will be cute and fluffy soon!!!!

Aww the chicks are sooooo cute, I am in Bali right now so I dont know how my broody is going
My friend is looking after her, not a chicken lady hopefully everything is alright.
I sent her a email no reply, hoping it is alright stressed on a holiday!!
Thanks!! They are doing great. Here's an updated pic with them all dried out and fluffed up! Boogers are quick and don't really cooperate well so this picture is only of their back ends!!


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