Just returned from my first livestock auction, almost cried!!

I'm sorry you had a bad experience.

As others have said, they aren't all bad. I usually go to one in the summer, and the animals may be roughed around a bit when being handled or moved, but I certianly wouldn't call it abuse. There they are mostly being sold as livestock, not pets, so being a bit rough is the norm, at least around here.

Maybe try another auction some time- really, they're not all bad!
Never seen a livestock auction that sells chickens.

Here we got sheep, goats, pigs, mules, donkeys and horses. They take a break, then come out with bulls, cows and calfs.

They do not use kid gloves, but I have never seen them be intentionally cruel.
I've attended both Arcadia & Venus Auctions... Have you tried Venus? I prefer their facility and the way they operate. They have 50 stalls and hoofstock is seperated in small groups, instead of crammed in large pens. I've gone there many times over the last year and haven't seen them mistreat an animal yet, whether it be a chicken or a cow. They are much gentler. And the facility is much larger, roomier than Arcadia. Maybe you should consider trying them out... Also been to auctions in North Florida, quite a drive but good sales too...
I too am sorry you had a bad experience.
If the animals were being handled too roughly, you should ask to speak to the owner and let them know what you saw.
Sometimes the owner doesn't see everything, and they are required by law not to abuse the animals.

Now, on the other hand, I've seen some animals get pretty rough with the workers and they needed to defend themselves.

Preach it!

I second this.
I used go to the Rogers auction regularly, and have been shocked by the apathy I've seen there, especially regarding poultry. I complained once about a chicken that had a hole pecked in its back. You could see right into the cavity of the bird. They had 3 roosters in one cage. I came back an hour later, and they were still together in the same cage. One time, the auctioneer dropped a chick off the stage 6' to the concrete floor. He made light of it, joking that now there were only 11 chicks. I was not impressed. I thought it was a great place to get rid of extra roos, but now I just give them away on CL.
I have not ever tried them... the one here - I've been told - is cruel enough for people who know me to warn me not to even go near it. (I tend to lose my temper and say and do things that could be labled "illegal" lol)

Sadly, there are alot of ignorant people in the world. They feel small in their lives and being cruel or even just plain rough to animals makes them feel like they can wear big boy pants. I see it alot down here where I am. I worked in a boat factory and there was a handful of times that they would be cruel to animals... trying to be funny. I'd lose my temper everytime. Throwing oppossums at people... taking baby racoons that wander in and locking them in lockers until the end of a shift... putting a rabbit in a hull of a boat and fiberglassing it in. And, no, no one got fired or even wrote up.
Wonder why they aren't fairing this recession well?
This is how I feel as well. Then again, I'm a vegetarian and animal rights activist, so I think I have pretty different opinions as opposed to those who use animals as if they are only sources of food and money... To me they are all individuals who deserve to be treated as well as possible, no matter what the situation.

There used to be a livestock auction about an hour from me that eventually shut down. I was originally a little sad about this because it meant I couldn't go scope out the poultry, but reading some of the accounts about that auction and what went on there... I'm glad I never got the chance to go. I'd likely just be too upset and horrified. I think I'll just stick to chicken shows for now, where the birds are treated well, in good conditions, and healthy. I was VERY impressed with the treatment of the birds at the PPBA Stockton show--everyone had clean cages, food and water, and looked healthy, happy, and well-cared for. For me to say that is fairly impressive--I have high standards! I wish there were more chicken shows like that around.

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