Just wondering how often everyone cleans

Kind of random but how often does everyone clean droppings in the coop and run?

I use deep litter in the coop, primarily wood chips, and clean it out twice a year. The old coop litter gets thrown into the chicken run and I let it compost in place along with all my grass clippings, leaves, and wood chips. I never clean the chicken run per se, but when I need some chicken run compost, I'll harvest some from the chicken run and screen it out with my cement mixer compost sifter.

My system requires minimal effort and the goal is to make chicken run compost over a long period of time. I don't do any daily cleaning. I don't have any poop boards that require daily scraping. In the past, I have tried methods that did require daily cleanings. However, I find the deep litter method better for the chickens and certainly less work for me, cleaning it out maybe twice a year. Turning the chicken run into a composting system after the chickens scratched the grass down to the dirt was probably the best option for me.
I wrote an article about it: https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/using-deep-bedding-in-a-small-coop.76343/

Short form is that the coop gets cleaned roughly every 6-12 weeks depending on conditions.

The run gets raked now and then to recover lost roast bones and fill in dustbath craters that are threatening to break my ankles. I haven't actually cleaned it out in the 11 months that I've had this flock on that ground.
I clean out their coop once or twice a week (depending on how messy they’ve been). My run is deep litter so I clean it out and put it in my compost every 6 months. The only reason I’d clean it out sooner was if I’d noticed mold, or if I moved their coop. I don’t normally clean their nesting box out, unless there is poop in it.
I have 3 perches, with only one that has a poop board (hate to sound mean, but....lazy husband hasnt made the others after a year I asked) I clean up the poop board, and pick up the droppings in the other spots every day. I mop the perches and poop board once or twice a week. S oooo pretty much, its poop free every evening.

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