Juvinile Wild Bob white quail sick.Help Please


5 Years
Jun 11, 2014
Found this Girl on a Country Road when she just a couple inches long. She is getting her Adult Feathers now but all the sudden she is not eating or drinking and is Lathargic Head tucked in her side feathers for the last 2 1/2 days. I dont know whats wrong with her or how to fix it. ANY HELP would be reatly appreciated!!
She is in a wire cage in the Master bath with a baby chicken that is the same age as her. They get along great. She has been eating chick starter. And meal worms I put some grass in the bottom of her cage. the grass has never been fertilized or treated in any way. Fresh water and food available at all times
The cage bottom is solid and card board is up down. Also is it normal for her top beak to be longer than the bottom?
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If you are feeding the quail medicated chick starter stop feeding it immediately (if not already too late) game birds cannot stand the medication in the chick feed and it is not near enough high protein. Feed her game bird starter, Purena makes it or turkey starter. The feed should be 20 percent or above protein. Also no more grass clippings for awhile. The meal worms are great as a treat, but the game bird starter (20% or better protein content) should be enough for her. Also try a little vitamin-electrolyte in her water for awhile (just a little).
It was not medicated. I went and got game starter yesterday 28%. But she isnt eating. I did catch her drinking water a minute ago. I will go back and get some electrolytes this afternoon.
I made a mush out of the game food. Maybe she will eat that. Do you know about the Beak question I had?
If you are feeding the quail medicated chick starter stop feeding it immediately (if not already too late) game birds cannot stand the medication in the chick feed and it is not near enough high protein. Feed her game bird starter, Purena makes it or turkey starter. The feed should be 20 percent or above protein. Also no more grass clippings for awhile. The meal worms are great as a treat, but the game bird starter (20% or better protein content) should be enough for her. Also try a little vitamin-electrolyte in her water for awhile (just a little).
Medicated feed absolutely does no harm to gamebird chicks. In fact in many places they can't get chicks safely raised without using medicated starter because of the potential for coccidosis and enteritis in the wetter and southern states. THere has been some research that has shown that birds fed medicated feeds for long periods may become sterile but that research has not been verified by an accredited source.

It was not medicated. I went and got game starter yesterday 28%. But she isnt eating. I did catch her drinking water a minute ago. I will go back and get some electrolytes this afternoon.
I made a mush out of the game food. Maybe she will eat that. Do you know about the Beak question I had?
The beak should be longer on the top and slightly hooked.

Try to give the bird a probiotic like probios or even a human probiotic capsule dissolved in it's water. You can also try a dissolved vitamin like vitasol or savachick. Feed her whatever she will eat fruit, veggies, crackers, meal worms, whatever. When they are sick they go off feed and to keep their energy up you need to get something down them.

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