Karen feeling bad

Sooo, Karen has been doing fine for awhile now. Yesterday all ducks seemed to be acting completely normal out foraging, I put them away around 11 so they only got a few hours out of the run because my family went on a kayak trip yesterday, when I got back last night I peeked into the coop and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

This morning however, I went to let the ducks out and 3/4 came out but penguin didn't move. I went over to check on her and brought her out and she has been barely moving all day. I went ahead and gave her some vitamins this morning and waited 4 hours and just went to give her some activated charcoal. After giving her the charcoal I put her in the pool to get a drink and she did drink and even splashed around a little to take a bath, but I tried giving her some mealworms and she will not take them. She has pretty much just been sitting under the bushes all day. She seems to be showing some similar symptoms as Karen did, so I just set up the cage inside for her. I will bring her in and start monitoring her weight right away. I do have that antibiotic and plenty of ivermectin. I did give Karen a little bit of ivermectin in her tube feeding but am unsure if it is what made her feel better.
So I just weighed her and she is only 3.6 lbs. I weighed her just 2 weeks ago and she was 5.4 lbs which is around her normal weight. She is drinking but not eating so I think I will tube feed her tonight because she is never this light unless she hasn't been eating for awhile. I'll put a wee bit of the ivermectin in the food as well to see if that helps her because she is showing very similar symptoms to Karen and Karen got better quickly and I only had to tube feed her twice
So I just weighed her and she is only 3.6 lbs. I weighed her just 2 weeks ago and she was 5.4 lbs which is around her normal weight. She is drinking but not eating so I think I will tube feed her tonight because she is never this light unless she hasn't been eating for awhile. I'll put a wee bit of the ivermectin in the food as well to see if that helps her because she is showing very similar symptoms to Karen and Karen got better quickly and I only had to tube feed her twice
Oh wow, that's a huge difference! Wonder what's going through you flock?

Wish they'd tell us they aren't feeling well *before* we discover them at death's door!
She seems to be doing about the same, still not eating so i tube fed her again and added some vitamins to it. Luckily she completely trusts me so she is much easier than the other ducks to tube feed and check on she just Let's me grab her every time. I can see from her poops the charcoal worked through her system so hopefully she will start eating again soon. She is still capable of walking around and she is drinking a lot just not eating.
A few hours after tube feeding her yesterday I looked at her and noticed a little bit of dribble on her chest so it seemed like she puked up just a little bit of the tube feed. I didn't give her another feed at night because I did see her poking around in the food bowl, but it didn't go down at all so it seemed she was just moving the food around in the bowl I didn't see her actually eat any. This morning it seemed she still hadn't eaten any but she seemed to have perked up quite a bit since yesterday and a little bit after noon she was trying to get out of the cage so I let her out and put her outside and she went right over to the other ducks and started foraging around in the grass.

This is definitely a very good sign I'll bring her back in tonight and weigh her again and see if she is eating the food in her bowl. She isn't going for the soldier fly worms but she is going for flies outside so I will probably go get some regular mealworms tomorrow to see if she will at least take those. Yesterday morning, last night, and this morning I weighed her and all 3 times she weighed in at 3.6 lbs

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