I saw that you got the call that your eggs are at the PO :celebrateLet the party begin. You're going to go crazy candling all the time. Is your incubator all set up?

Picking them up now! Been home like half hour but haven’t gone yet :oops:

The cat had a grooming appointment this morning and then I got distracted lol

Anyway, I’m going to try not to but probably will. :lau

And I turned it on last night haha
Finally got the eggs. The poor woman at the post office apparently had NO clue what hatching was though and kept asking me if any were hatched yet :lau

I tried to explain it as best I could but I don’t think she knew what I was talking about lol but she was super nice and seemed interested at least :love :hugs

I know most people aren’t exposed to this sort of thing especially in our town so I get it, I do, and I always try to explain as best as I can and I do with chick orders too. I’ve gotten two chick orders now and I always try to chat with interested people/tell them about it. I love talking to people about the chickens and I 100% get that if you’ve never been exposed to it, you wouldn’t know this stuff. It’s not common knowledge.

But this one I can’t help but to at least chuckle a little. :lau I know, I’m terrible. :oops:
They included this nice info sheet and stamped the eggs with the breed. I can’t quite decipher all of them, some are a bit smudged, but maybe there will be another stamp on the other side or something haha but from the ones I can decipher.... I’ve got some AWESOME ones!!! :love

Welsummer, lavender orpington,Blue Andalusian, Buff orpington, Black Australorp and more, what variety, cant wait till your 21 days are up. Congrats KDogg!

Yup!! Ordered 12, got 13, and of those 13 I am pretty sure I have 2 Welsummers, 2 Black Australorps, 2 Rhode Island Reds, a Barred Rock, a Buff Orpington, a Lavender Orpington, a Blue Andalusian, an Easter Egger, and then two others I can’t decipher. Pretty positive one is another Orpington but can’t tell which type. The other is another white one so could be another Blue Andalusian or could be a Light Brown Leghorn or a Black Sumatra. Hoping there is another stamp somewhere on it so I can tell. But I was really surprised by the variety!!! I read sometimes in winter the variety is less but I got a great variety!!

I can’t wait till 21 days is up either!! Lol

Thank you!!! :D

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