I want mine out as soon as they can't fit through the chain link fencing. I won't be hatching anymore until the shed is cleaned. I have electric out there so I can put the heat lamp. That's where I'll put the quail in Februar.

That’s a good plan!! We don’t have electric in our coop but do in the garage. The coop is also close to the garage so I usually run an extension cord out for the heated water bowl in winter haha and for the brooder.

This time the chicks will be in the garage so that’s good but probably will still need an extension cord cause the plugs are far away.

I’ll probably put the quail next to the garage hah

Did you get the eggs in the incubator? What day are they on?

Yes I did! I put them in on Friday so they are on day 2 now.
Good idea!! :D

Maybe I can use it as a quail brooder eventually too. :oops:
It should work perfectly.

U would start collecting grocery store boxes if I were you.
You know which ones I'm talking about right?

Boxes on the floor of it will make is easy to clean.
It should work perfectly.

U would start collecting grocery store boxes if I were you.
You know which ones I'm talking about right?

Boxes on the floor of it will make is easy to clean.

Yay!! It would probably hold like 1000000000 quail though :lau

And that is an excellent idea!! Thank you!! I was gonna just put shavings on the bottom but that would probably be super hard to clean in such a deep tank so I like your box idea much better!! I’ll do that!!

And yeah I think so. BJs has tons of boxes you can take. I’ll have my dad go shopping there and take some or steal some :lau

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