I think it's hilarious when people eat chicken from the grocery store, but think it's cruel to raise your own... The chickens that you buy at the grocery stores are treated so poorly! I'm just glad that my chickens can spend 20 weeks very happy then be stuck in a meat farm stepping/sitting in poop obese and having a bad quality of life.

My mom is so grossed out that I am doing my own chickens. I showed her the plucker that I wanted to buy and she got grossed out just by seeing that :idunno

They'd make a good meal for my 5 lb puppy :gig

I don't know if I am going to sell some of mine, I might sell some of the pullets. I'm not sure yet. I really don't want to deal with selling to people because if they get sick or what not I don't want to have to deal with people complaining. So far none have my chickens have been sick :fl

When I breed my ducks, I probably won't sell any of their offspring because some will be mules Pekin/Muscovy cross. The rest will be straight Pekin.

Right!? That’s her thing. She thinks it’s gross and she’s also like “how can you kill something you raised and loved!?”

She probably thinks I’m some psycho killer or something LOL

And :lau true! Maybe mine would be good food for DBs dogs lol they’re raw fed :lau

And hmm yeah. I am worried about that too but maybe if they’re free people won’t complain since they didn’t pay lol

And that makes sense!!

Seems they’ll make good meat birds though haha

My babies are doing well, probably take some more pics this weekend. Had to move them to the bigger brooder through yesterday...

Nice!! Mine will probably be in the garage a while aha

We have something like 29 acres. Every time we see the description it changes.Some times they say 27.5 other times, it's 29 sometimes it's 28.5. Geesh, gimme a break. I think they say 29 because legally our property line is to the center of the road which adds to the over all acreage. About 7-8 acres are buildings, house, barn, chicken coop. The rest is timber. We would love more timber but reality is that getting older we don't need any more to manage and what we have provides us with firewood to heat with and forest to wander around in.

DH has spent a lot of time cutting trails and grooming them and as we live on a ridge there are a lot of hills to climb so we get a lot of exercise.

That sounds amazing. :love

That is ideal to me LOL

I would love to be able to have my own trails through the woods to hike and walk and stuff. :love

Especially since I want to get several dogs eventually so good exercise for them lol
We are looking into purchasing 11+ acres by next December. I cannot wait

That’s awesome!! Bet that will be amazing.

I want to have at least 10 but preferably like 20. Feel like 10 is pretty common now and you can still have close neighbors haha

20-30 would be ideal I feel like. Or even 40 or 50. Probably not more than 50 though.

Under 50 but over 5 or 10 is great cause you can have enough room to have a lot of animals or a big garden or whatever and a trail system/hiking or field or whatever but not so crazy big it’s hard to take care of haha

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