Keeping Fish

Can you try feeding shelled frozen/thawed green peas for constipation. Seems to help some Bettas and Goldfish.

I used to feed mine 1/2 pea a week as well as frozen worms and color pellets.

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And welcome to BYC! A great community around here. Welcome to the thread as well.

The epsom bath helped his little body by clearing out his system! He seems all better, but I'm wondering whether I should keep him in there a bit longer just in case. He's swimming around now, and looks fine.
*edited to add Welcome!*
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The epsom bath helped his little body by clearing out his system! He seems all better, but I'm wondering whether I should keep him in there a bit longer just in case. He's swimming around now, and looks fine.
*edited to add Welcome!*

I'm wondering if it really was the Epsom bath. Perhaps the betta was never actually sick? Sometimes they will float on their sides or even on their backs, even very healthy fish.

I came home to find him bloated and floating sideways. He would occasionally struggle to swim, but he'd go back to his side. He was probably just constipated and the epsom helped him out. He is really small, I guess I need to feed him a lot less though I don't recall overfeeding.
In another thread someone gave me the idea of an aquatic garden. I want to use one for my betta spawning and raising tank, but it can't have any substrate(fry get caught in it, bettas can't find dropped eggs, etc). I'm thinking of some almond leaves, floating plants and hornwort. Axolotl, do you have any suggestions? I know you keep a substrate-less tank for your axolotls. Anyone else, feel free to suggest anything
When my tank heaters went out a few weeks ago, one of my bettas was doing that afterwards, I assume it was from being chilled, I too used Epsom salts, he did get better but than he died about a week later. Betta are touchy fish sometimes, hope yours get better.
Poor little one
My boy is resting now, I think I should put him back in the tank. The only thing I'm confused about is his discolored scales. I hope he doesn't have a contagious bacterial infection or whatnot.
Well I'm unsure of the plants name in my axolotls tank, but moss balls are pretty and float, so I would suggest those
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