Keeping humidity in lockdown


6 Years
Feb 23, 2018
St. Robert MO
I have 13 eggs about to go into lockdown on Wednesday. How do I keep in humidity. This one does not have a place for me to add water from the outside. Last hatch had a couple of issues and had to help a couple because of the humidity drop and had to open to add water.
What type of incubator??

Most have vent holes in the top. Sometimes if you don' want to open and need to add water. Use a long drinking straw thru the hole and a meat injector syringe to add water.

But if humidity is high enough a quick open to add water shouldn't hurt. Just do it while none are externally pipped
What type of incubator??

Most have vent holes in the top. Sometimes if you don' want to open and need to add water. Use a long drinking straw thru the hole and a meat injector syringe to add water.

But if humidity is high enough a quick open to add water shouldn't hurt. Just do it while none are externally pipped
I use the straw and syringe method also i keep a glass òjar filled with a face towel and fill it with wicks moisture into the bator and also helps to get internal temp back up to specs should you open the bator for some reason

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