Kentucky people

Next year it will be a different story. up north here in w ma the 21 you have now at 10:25 p m was considered balmy. cleared snow in run girls did not like it and it would cause problems with legs and feet. coop un-insulated, draft free with plenty of air circulation. With cfls to extend daylight production did not drop off. cold they could live with, puffed out and huddled together. kind of like us
It was -8 F here on Furnace Mountain Tues night, so not very balmy. My cubalayas seem to be doing fine. They dash out of the coop/run to go visit dust baths under our house.

I have 3 youngsters who were born right after Thanksgiving. Their momma has been doing just fine raising them in the cold.

These pics are not current, we have 6" of snow now
My coop is tight with no drafts. I have good ventilation at the top so there is no humidity buildup to cause frost bite. The hens seem to be fine. I put a heated bird bath waterer in the coop and also their feed since the Starlings were eating more of the feed than the chickens, So now the hens really dont have a reason to come out in the snow. thin

I think next year I may install a poop board. Been reading about those and they sure seem nice. No need to shovel the coop out during the winter. I am also going to install some windows on the sun side of the coop so that will warm the coop even more during the day
I believe it is the Linwood section, off Poplar Level.
So inside the Watterson Expressway. Make sure you are zoned Agriculture in that area.

I would very much suggest attending the Kentuckiana Show. For decades it was held around Louisville, now it is in nearby Shelbyville. Always a good little show with a lot of very friendly breeders.

My coop is tight with no drafts. I have good ventilation at the top so there is no humidity buildup to cause frost bite.
Not sure how long you have been in the area, but the -20° wrecked a couple of my La Flèche cocks. Thankfully the wattles seem to be fine, but the tips of their combs are dead. We have an electric ceiling vent to purge humidity, as well as ventilated soffits and screen windows. But the temperature was just too much.
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i have me a rooster and half of his comb is dead i think i will put him in the freezer this summer i also have my ducks and one of my mallards lay me a egg the other day she does this about every 4 to 3 day she gets mad at me for taking them so she will keep moving on me way to cold for any thing to set on eggs down here how is every ones else eggs coming alone this year i also get about 8 or 7 chicken eggs a day and i have one broody hen but i wont let her hatch any thing right now and 7 to 8 eggs from 15 chickens is good for me this time of the year
So inside the Watterson Expressway. Make sure you are zoned Agriculture in that area.

I would very much suggest attending the Kentuckiana Show. For decades it was held around Louisville, now it is in nearby Shelbyville. Always a good little show with a lot of very friendly breeders.

Not sure how long you have been in the area, but the -20° wrecked a couple of my La Flèche cocks. Thankfully the wattles seem to be fine, but the tips of their combs are dead. We have an electric ceiling vent to purge humidity, as well as ventilated soffits and screen windows. But the temperature was just too much.
I have lived in Central KY for the past 41 years. So far, so good on my hens. No damage has been seen yet........ Maybe I should knock on wood..
We'll see what this weekend brings. Windchill is supposed to be brutal from tonight till Monday. If the hens don't go outside, which I doubt they will, they should be OK
i also get about 8 or 7 chicken eggs a day and i have one broody hen but i wont let her hatch any thing right now and 7 to 8 eggs from 15 chickens is good for me this time of the year
7-8 eggs I think is really good if you don't have them under any kind of lighting for this time of year.
I'm getting 3 to 5 eggs a day from 14 hens and am pleased with that many laying in this cold weather. 2 of my hens are recuperating from injuries so I have not seen them on the nest at all.
My brown leghorn roo's beautiful cockel got frost bitten last night form the cold weather. Now he has black tips on it and whitish color too. Never had one do that before. Does it go back to normal or will it always be like that.

What it did look like...
Black is where the flesh has died, it will come off. The white is where flesh is cutting off dead from living. Think of it as a weird shaped scab.

Just make sure swelling goes down within two days, and stays down afterward.
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