Kentucky people

wow any one of you guy near hart co i have mix breed chicken but i like ducks i breed mallards and muscovy and soon i will be breeding pekin i was looking into runners but they are hard to find
Got my adorably awesome Buff Orpington rooster this past Sat. He's just perfect! NOW, I'm ready to get some more BO pullets!!! Anyone close have Buff Orpington pullets??
welcome..I agree, not much conversation goes on here. We need more chatty peeps I suppose LOL
I live in Lexington also
How's this cold with everyone's flock? I shoveled out a space today in the chicken yard so they would come out in the snow to eat their treats.
Didn't take long to gobble everything up and right back to the coop!
today in hart co wasnt that bad the the other day we had some nasty wind come threw it was so cold my water froze in the kitchen and still is but my duck layed a egg today and i got some chicken egg to

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