Kentucky people

I lost a quail hen, and almost lost a btw jap pullet, thanks to all this rain. The quail got loose yesterday when I was rearranging everyone, and dad found her dead in the field today, near the dogs. She wasn't injured, just dead, so she apparently got soaked and chilled, not having ever been in the rain before. She probably didn't have enough sense to get out of it.

The jap pullet was in the hoop house with the LF chicks and some other bantams, and she is always getting the short end of the stick. There is a dog house in there for the ones that can't or don't want to roost, but for some reason she didn't go in there. If I had remembered to close them up early last night, she would have probably been dead this morning. She was soaking wet and covered in mud. I thought it was one of the buff silkies under the hanging feeder when I saw her, except the silkies don't have tails like that. She was a mess. Of course she is happy as can be now, camping out in the middle bedroom with the quail. She has her own box of course, but she seems to be enjoying herself!

I'll be glad when spring gets here, this winter is starting out to be a nasty one
so on facebook they now allow you more flair boards. (sorry Shelley, I needed more flair credits, sort of slammed ya there
feel free to ignore the "gifts"

anyway... I made this one flair last week, and it had maybe 85 users - today it went from 85 users to 3,841 !!
guess everyone needed more room to post flair, and not just me, eh? Plus, it's political flair, so I guess everyone being ticked at the government right now helps

anyhow, just thought I'd share

correction - it is now 4,280

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Shelleyd2008- I live about two hours from you. I may be interested in your Wyandottes. I am looking for about 4 pullets and a roo of each of the breeds I want, but will take more or less depending on how big I want my coops (I am getting my supplies Friday and may be a little overzealous with my planning). I am building my own Coop Tractors. I like the A frame with the running pen underneath. I have never raised them by myself, but my Grandparents always had them growing up. They always had the silver laced Wyandottes, so I am partial to them, but I like the looks and the hardiness of the RIRs as well as the Plymouth Rocks. I am trying to decide if I want just the Wyandottes and RIRs, or if I want to add a group of Plymouth Rocks.

I haven't even really got passed the planning stages, but I think I am already addicted. Ive got some freinds that breed seramas and silkies, and they go to several shows every year. I dont know if I will ever get that into showing chickens, I just need more pets (4 dogs, a cat and three horses), but I will never say never. I have looked at several hatcheries and am prepared to order in February, but I don't know if I can wait that long!!!!
spidertoys -- was afraid of that.... Just let me know the cost... I think it would be cheaper to buy "locally" than place an order in Feb for the ones I want.... that way I can avoid the baby stage.... although they are sooooo cute as babies...

God is really testing me this week....

Yesterday DH learned his heart is enlarged and needs to have some Cardio tests and then the hot water heater busted... water everywhere... 50 gals and about 20 gal running all over the place... had to remove the carpet in the hall opposite the water heater.... the guy that build this house put the water heater under the stairs and then put in the wall so now we have to cut the wall to remove the water heater and because we need the short WH we have to special order it and it can be up to 10 days... then this morning I go to leave for work and my battery is DEAD!! so I jump into the spare car and its battery is DEAD!! I am going to scream!!

Why oh why is all this happening right at the holiday time.... So now it will be a new water heater, something to cover the cement floor in the hallway and a new battery at least for my car.... at least I already bought the Christmas presents... DH has been out of work for a year and money is tight and with no C/C we have to rely on savings which are slim....

I'm so down right now I really want to cry....
CknLvnFam -- Colby318 lives in Stomping Ground which I think is close to you... He's bringing me some welsummers on Saturday -- we're meeting in Shelbyville -- Would that work for you??

I'd like $25 for the pair -- male is tuffed, female is not -- both are < yr old female is laying. She's raised some chickens for me already... silly girl sitting on chicken eggs.... she sat on Turkey eggs but they all died after hatching... not exactly sure why but she's a good momma.... Just doesn't like my Scovies and the kids are more attached to the Scovies with their bright colors....
I don't know what the temp was here, but it was freaking COLD!!! Who turned off the heat? It's not supposed to be this cold already!

I hope we get some more 40-50 degree days soon, so I can get this building done. I think I've lost 2 of my buff silkies already, and I don't have any place to lock them up. They can't stay locked up in that hoop house, there are just too many birds.
Of course you do, it's a guy thing!

I spend most of my time on facebook, BYC has gotten pretty boring. Same old thing every day, with just a little bit of different crap tossed in from time to time.
hey everyone.

I got me a cute little long haired pygmy billy yesterday.... He's such a cutie.

Colby also met me with my new Welsummers.... we had quite the adventure as one hen made to escape.... so here we were at a gas station in Shelbyville chasing down a hen.... she ended up jumping into the back of my SUV where we had put the other birds and we slammed the door... she rode home loose in the back.... Now safely in the barn area with the other birds....

Today I'm going to Chuck's to get some silkies... I think my barn is gonna be full now....
We are about to add another pen to the inside of the coop and separate our hens. Our Bachelor roos are getting their brides today. So we're having an unofficial wedding. Wether they like it or not. We have hens laying eggs and don't know who laid them. Can't have that. I still have an Old English hen that needs a home. I will trade her for a silkie or frizzle hen if anybody is interested. I'm not particular about the toe separation. I"m not into show, it's just a hobby. All my chickens are PNIP certified. I also have some EE cockreals that can go to another home. I have 1 EE/PR mix. I'll trade for these also. There are3 roos i'll trade a silkie or frizzle hen for. I can meet you as far as Mayfield KY. If you need pics I can get them. But I don't have any right now. If you have Verizon cell, I can send that way. Just PM me with your # and what your interested in.

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