Kentucky people

Don't you just love when new babies hatch???

Ahh cute babies.

Great news for me. Almost got my chicken coop done. Hopefully picking up my chickens this weekend. My fiance is buying them for me as an early christmas present!!! 2 gold laced Wyandotte hens- 1 roo, 2 silver laced wyandotte hens- 1 roo. Very excited!!!!!
I have chicks hatching now. I love this part. I've fought to keep the temps right, then had a spike of 104 but is was brief. We have been keeping an eye on it 24/7. DH stepped out while I was sleeping and it spiked. Went from 100 to 104 in 45 minutes so it wasn't long. I just had the first AO of this batch to hatch. YEA:weee
There are 2 more to go. The others are mixed with Onagadori but the hens are silkie/aracuna mixes. I'm curious to see what they turn out to look like.

I plan to take the ones I don't keep to the livestock barn in Martin when they get a little older. They hold a swap/auction/ flea market every thursday.
I have chicks hatching now. I love this part. I've fought to keep the temps right, then had a spike of 104 but is was brief. We have been keeping an eye on it 24/7. DH stepped out while I was sleeping and it spiked. Went from 100 to 104 in 45 minutes so it wasn't long. I just had the first AO of this batch to hatch. YEA:weee
There are 2 more to go. The others are mixed with Onagadori but the hens are silkie/aracuna mixes. I'm curious to see what they turn out to look like.

I plan to take the ones I don't keep to the livestock barn in Martin when they get a little older. They hold a swap/auction/ flea market every thursday.

I have more Orps in the bator that will hatch on the 31st and I was hoping to keep a few of them for myself. Today I got a phone order for 20 of them from a guy who bought some of my Silkies and Australorps a while ago. Not this time either I!!
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I have chicks hatching now. I love this part. I've fought to keep the temps right, then had a spike of 104 but is was brief. We have been keeping an eye on it 24/7. DH stepped out while I was sleeping and it spiked. Went from 100 to 104 in 45 minutes so it wasn't long. I just had the first AO of this batch to hatch. YEA:weee
There are 2 more to go. The others are mixed with Onagadori but the hens are silkie/aracuna mixes. I'm curious to see what they turn out to look like.

I plan to take the ones I don't keep to the livestock barn in Martin when they get a little older. They hold a swap/auction/ flea market every thursday.

I have more Orps in the bator that will hatch on the 31st and I was hoping to keep a few of them for myself. Today I got a phone order for 20 of them from a guy who bought some of my Silkies and Australorps a while ago. Not this time either I!!

My girl is already 6 months old. I don't know what age they start to lay at but she may wait until spring. But I thought that about my silkie mixes too. They're babies are hatching now. I have 4 so far. They lay almost everyday and it is cold here. I'm hoping to find somebody that has too many lavender or splash roos and need to get rid of at least one. Thats all I need. A young roo that will be old enough to fertilize by spring, or now.
I have 8 eggs due to hatch Christmas day - not sure what they are -- I think a couple of them are cochin, some orps (I hope) and maybe some barred rock mixes. The BR girls have no roo, so Bubba (orp) and Big Boy (cochin) have been taking turns with them - not planned by me, they just do
. My one cochin girl, Nana, is in love with my orp boy Bubba, so she follows him everywhere. The cochin boy is finally getting more assertive, though, so I'm hoping he'll start taking over more of his own duties soon.

I've been letting them run again, since it's got so cold so fast, their waterers freeze, and I just don't feel like thawing them every morning to refill them then - so I let them out to get water in the bigger area instead, then I can thaw their waterers during the day. In the yard I have various water places, rubber pails, rubber feeder bins, and the duck pools, when they thaw out. I'm thinking for winter I'll put the rubber feeder bins into the coops for water, and just put the big 5 gallon plastic ones away - too much trouble to keep them thawed. I've been so busy with calves, I haven't done much to swap over to "winter mode" on the chickens yet - they don't seem to mind, though
they'd rather be out playing in the yard than be cooped up anyway.

By January first, though, I plan to have them all in theirt respective coops and in breeding mode, so I can hatch some pure bred babies for spring. I had planned on doing it before this, but then I asked myself - "how long do you want a houseful of chicks???" If I could sell them at hatch, that wouldn't be so bad, but I'll have them, probably until they are ready to go outside.

Meri --- I know what ya mean about thawing waterers.... I ended up getting a huge rubber waterer and putting in a floating heater that only comes on when the temp is low enough and since we lock the dogs up at night in one of the stalls, I got a 3 gal bucket that has a warmer on it since I felt they really should have access to water at night....

I hate leaves.... I've got to clean the barn gutters before we get more rain as the two back stalls are flooding and one of them is where the dogs sleep.... I was looking at building them a small platform and then putting some throws on it to keep them off of the ground and out of water if it floods....

It's always something....

I can't get Chuck's silkies to come out of the chicken coop.... it is a bit crowded in there for 13 silkies and 5 babies I got from Mrs. Turbo and a chicken-roo that won't stand up for his rights as a male.... plus all the girls going in and out during the day to lay....

Those silkies just won't get out.... I put them out the door and in they came to huddle in the corner or as near the corner as they could get.... I thought about removing the water and food to force them out but then thought "what if they don't come out and die of thirst/starvation??" so food and water are staying for now....
I've been keeping a bucket on the porch, so I can take some warm/hot water out with me. Pretty much the only waterers that need to be thawed are the quails' bottles, most of the others can be broken up so far. Most of my 'waterers' are ice cream buckets
The ones that do have actual waterers usually empty theirs by night-fall (thanks to the duck that lives with them still!). My goose that refuses to go to the pond is a bit perturbed at me at the moment, his 'swimming pool' is frozen, as is the hose/spicket. So he was trying to bathe from an ice cream bucket this morning, that was pretty cute! I felt pity on him and poured the remainder of the warm water from my second bucket (most everyone was out of water this morning
) on top of his 'pool'...he climbed right in! His 'pool' is a large refrigerator drawer, just barely big enough for him to get all the way in it.

I have no idea why this goofy bird won't go to the pond. The other goose goes to the pond all day long, then sleeps near the house at night. This one has went to the pond once, and that was because I was 'herding' him there. He didn't go in, and just walked all the way around the pond before coming right back to the house....silly bird

Hey Cindy, I left a message on your facebook, but just in case, I'll post here too.

I am 99.5% sure that at least one of the javas is a pullet, and I believe they both are. Neither of them has a very prominent comb, though the smaller bird has a bigger comb than the larger bird does. I don't remember for sure how old they are, I'll have to go back and see when I got the eggs. But if all goes well, Cortni will have her java

ETA: It seems like the javas are about 6 weeks old? So I don't know how much of a comb a cockerel would have at this point.
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Well don't be a stranger! You are perfectly capable of writing too!

Just a heads-up guys! Christmas is only 5 days away, and we still have these adorable beagle puppies that need new homes!! 4 total, Cris is not keeping one! Dad's not either, whether he likes it or not. I'm tired of feeding all his and my animals cause he can't afford it

Plus he has another beagle that just today has had pups, so far she has 2. I don't know if she's done or not, Dad checked her. So if you aren't ready for one now, there'll be more in a couple months

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