Kentucky people

You're so SILLY!!

It was a pretty decent Cochin hatch..lots more coming over the next few weeks. Of course all of my girls quit when the cold spell hit..but they will get back on track soon I'm sure. This week I will be adding the white Cochin hens to give them time to become fertile.

Check the trader thread to see what else is available. This is the first time that the Orps haven't been pre-sold before they hatched..There are about 20 of them available, and 20 or so Partridge Rocks.

I could, maybe, possibly sneak in a few orps... LOL hubby won't notice.
Yep, Sydney's got great birds, and she isn't far from me LOL. I've gotten quite a few different chickens from her. Half of my Buff Orps are from her stock.

I've been wanting blues for awhile, can't wait to get them. (I had a couple, but they both got gone - hawk, I'm thinking, no trace of them anywhere).


Thanks Meri..I am rather proud of my collection of "furry footed" kids. (Yes..I know they are "feather footed"..but for some reason.."furry footed" always slips I went with it.

Yer welcome
and thanks for having them LOL so you can feed my addiction.

I had about given up on owning cochins (the bantams I had before never laid one egg - at all
) but these big cochins are so great!! I want more and more LOL.

I'm gonna keep a blue cockerel if I get one out of the bunch, so I can add him into my mix. That way with both sexes of black and blue, I'm bound to get more blues at some point.

I'm just happy the hatchery stock cochins that I got at the feedstore turned otu so beautiful - you know how that goes sometimes. My cochin roo (the black) is so fluffy and big - nice butt poof and leg feathering. and shiny - he gleams
I really need to get updated pics of them all - last pics I took were before they were laying.


Just ordered by birthday present! Hubby's present to me is a chick order! I ordered several different kinds, and I'm super excited! I even ordered his white crested black polish that he's been looking for. I ordered myself some americaunas, blue cochins, white leghorns and some cornish (to try for meat). They won't be here until March, but I'm excited anyway! LOL



That's EXACTLY how I acquired my girls....a fateful stop by TSC on my anniversary! Phooey a candle-light dinner!

My kind of date...
*Really... I would be so surprised and happy!​
Mojo Chick'n :

way cool - who did you order from ?


I ordered from Ideal. They had decent prices and are the closest hatchery I could find. I didn't want my babies to have to travel from across the US!!​
LOL I only got three blues this batch, but next batch I plan to get some more. They're all beautiful babies, though - I got 14 cochin babies (3 blues, the rest are blacks) and 6 buff orp babies. One of the blue babies is very light, so it should be extra pretty.

I'm hoping to get a blue cockerel out of some of these (either these three or the next bunch I get) to add in a blue boy with my black rooster.
This is the first time I've really hoped for a cockerel among the chicks I've gotten. Usually I am hoping NOT to have any cockerels (or very few).

I'll get pics later - we're still fighting with that dang pump (frozen). Hubby just went out with a torch to see what he can do with it. Otherwise I'll be carrying water til evening chores, probably (in pails, from the house

Ok, I am in serious urgent need of a Barred Rock rooster (somewhere local).

I was gonna wait til Sano started getting busy again, but if I can get one now, I really need one.

anyone close to me have one or know where I can get one? I plan to hit the feedstore tomorrow and have Julie look harder for me - I told her last time that I needed one, but I didn't tell her it was so urgent. It just became urgent


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