Kentucky people

Thats a good idea Shelly. Thanks Jen. They came from a feed store via privett hatchery. I had 100% survival and no deformities. Well one is missing part of a toe but it looks like some one thought it was food more that being born like that.
Thanks for the warm welcome, we just started transitioning our chicks to the outside. My husbands is almost done with the coop, so I am excited about being able to watch them outside.

Here is my motley crew in their temporary pen.
Can anyone tell me where next weeks swap will be here in Central Ky?
I have tons of chicks etc I need to take!
I have Mille Fleur Cochins, high quality silver laced cochins, and blue and black cochins, all bantams for sale. $4-$5 each
I have Royal Palm Poults for sale as well. $10 each
I have a young group of buff Minorcas for sale, one roo and 3 gals, all hatched in Feb. They are just crowing. $40 for the quad.
One jet black Cayuga duck...not sure of the sex. $10 young adult.

I will try and bring everything to the swap or sell it early if you are interested. email me at [email protected] if interested.

Looking for Runner Ducks!
LuckyInKy: Cute pic. of your chickie crew... your gonna love watchin them out in their coop & run, such great enjoyment, chickie tv is the best, lol
There is one at the United Producers Stockyard in Irvington Kentucky on 5/14/11 (Saturday morning). Look at Post # 9658 on this thread (page 966), it will tell all about it!
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I thought I would swing by and say hello:)

I live in Mayfield, KY, Graves County

We are in W KY and we have Trade Day every Monday at the Fair Grounds, we go up there to see what is available, that is how we got our 2 ameraucanas and then another lady she had a barnyard mix of hens.

I am in love with my hens, we can't have roosters cause we have close neighbors, one neighbor was happy listening to our bantam roo but we knew our other neighbor is chronic sick and didn't want to upset her so we sent him on to another family.

Our chicken crew: 2 golden comets, 1 bantam/wild game mix, 2 ameraucanas and 1 barnyard mix pullets, and my tiny peeps; 2 sussex, 2 australorps, 1 buff orpington

The ones that can free range in our yard, which is completely fenced in, we are in the process of converting our 12x12 shed into half coop/half storage complete with covered run

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