Kentucky people

The bantam cochin pullet I got from you is full broody now Bluedog. Kind of sucks, actually, since I just yesterday sent all of their eggs out in the mail!
So she has maybe 4 at most.
Plus I have another order yet to send, guess I'll get to refund that one.
Woohoo!!! Congrats!!!! Have fun!

ETA: Pics to follow?

Yes as soon as I find the batteries for my camera. One of the chicks is already scrambling out of the nest. I think it's a light partidge. But the little stinker has gotten out of the nest twice now and then just sits there and peeps it head off. I had to assist it back and finally made a ramp for them to get back into the nest.

Guess I'll have to either enlarge the pen, or build another one to hold the juveniles in for the time being.
It never ends, does it Chuck?
My silkies are on the ground, with their nest on the ground. I think the ones in the tractor are up to 12 or so babies now, one mama takes care of the chicks, the others keep sitting on the eggs! The oldest babies are at least 3 weeks, and there are some that are just a few days old
I need folks to come to the farm more often
I get more "extras" sales that way.

I sold that red roo this morning (yay!) and three pullets, cause Mike - a guy who bought four pullets off me a couple months back - lost his to a coon, so he wanted replacements - he saw the ducks and wants a pair of calls next week, now

With my drake ratio, I decided to sell Spiffy
since he is the one most likely to be picked on. I can perhaps hatch another silver and this one maybe a girl (I hope). Since Spiffy is going I decided to let them take Squishy, too. Spiffy and Squishy are darn near inseperable, and she would be lost without him - and vice versa.

That still leaves me with the four whites, the three greys I plan to keep (a trio there) and Little Joe and DD. Plus, DD is laying again, so I'm gonna hatch whatever eggs she lays for me. By next spring I'll maybe have more choices to pick from for breeders. (that is with Croney taking her 4 duckies)

Was a tough choice, but I can't keep them all - I only have so much room (and so many drakes!)

Those "call ducks" I got at Sano are looking more like swedish or swedish mixes. Those will be going back to the auction once they are big enough for anyone to want to buy them.

I'm not sure what sexes the whites are - I hope I have a trio at least.

busy day - had to run to Campbellesville. Hubby is out gathering up his hay bales, I haven't even considered what to make for dinner.

I need an adult beverage, methinks.

Mojo Chick'n :

I need folks to come to the farm more often
I get more "extras" sales that way.


I would love to come visit sometime, if you'd have me (I know I am new here and all), though I don't think I'll be getting anymore chickens for at least a few years now barring catastrophe. But it would be great to see a "real" chicken farm (since mine is so little and being within city limits won't be growing until we get a farm).

First day of summer school was today. Kind of miserable as I have 5 different subjects in one room. More babysitting than teaching and NOBODY wants to be there. Uggh. That adult beverage sounds good about now... lol

I am definitely rehoming Domino ASAP. After being "in jail" for a few days I took him back out this afternoon. As soon as I set him in the yard he dashes inside the run and starts pecking the baby chicks. Fine. Guess he's the roo I am not keeping...

I am starting to be a little worried that I have yet another boy, but I am hoping not. One of my buffs is a darker color than the others and when I look at her feathers, she seems to have a lot more coming in around the neck and tail area. I've also noticed that Feathers (the Light Brahma) is getting a few buff colored feathers around his tail. Is that normal, or is it bc he is just "hatchery quality"? I don't mind though, he is a character and I love him.​
As promised, here are some pics. I am not the greatest of photographers.

This is Cookie, the little dog the neighbors brought to me, and her real owners didn't want so they just turned her loose.


These are some of my juvenile silkies


And this is Momma #1 with three of the babies out for an airing

I would love to come visit sometime, if you'd have me (I know I am new here and all), though I don't think I'll be getting anymore chickens for at least a few years now barring catastrophe. But it would be great to see a "real" chicken farm (since mine is so little and being within city limits won't be growing until we get a farm).

First day of summer school was today. Kind of miserable as I have 5 different subjects in one room. More babysitting than teaching and NOBODY wants to be there. Uggh. That adult beverage sounds good about now... lol

I am definitely rehoming Domino ASAP. After being "in jail" for a few days I took him back out this afternoon. As soon as I set him in the yard he dashes inside the run and starts pecking the baby chicks. Fine. Guess he's the roo I am not keeping...

I am starting to be a little worried that I have yet another boy, but I am hoping not. One of my buffs is a darker color than the others and when I look at her feathers, she seems to have a lot more coming in around the neck and tail area. I've also noticed that Feathers (the Light Brahma) is getting a few buff colored feathers around his tail. Is that normal, or is it bc he is just "hatchery quality"? I don't mind though, he is a character and I love him.

You're welcome to stop by anytime - I love showing off the coops and runs. (I have a lot of time and sweat into those coops and runs

Not sure on your light brahma - I noticed a couple of mine got a few buff feathers (the mixed babies) and they have no buff heritage in them at all. Weird.

The buff orp I don't know - I still have a hard time telling boys from girls there until they get a lot older. I had one I thought was a pullet that turned out to be a slow developing roo. So the only Buff Orp pullets I have are what I bought from Spydertoys. They are SO pretty though - I can't wait to get eggs and babies out of them.

Mojo Chick'n :

Those "call ducks" I got at Sano are looking more like swedish or swedish mixes. Those will be going back to the auction once they are big enough for anyone to want to buy them.

I don't know how big swedish ducks are, but I have one you will love... a couple of years ago we went to the big June swap at Lucasville. My sister was looking for baby call ducks to go with the 2 boys she had gotten the previous fall. A guy sold her 2 really cute ducklings.....that grew...and grew...and grew... into muscovys.
I don't know how big swedish ducks are, but I have one you will love... a couple of years ago we went to the big June swap at Lucasville. My sister was looking for baby call ducks to go with the 2 boys she had gotten the previous fall. A guy sold her 2 really cute ducklings.....that grew...and grew...and grew... into muscovys.

yeah, these guys are already huge and have no feathers yet - still fuzzies!! They may be muscoveys or mixes (mules). They are gangly, too - look rather weird to me. I don't recall my swedish being so disproportioned at that age. I'll try to get some pics tomorrow and post them - they are sleeping for now.

I hope they aren't mules - but I suppose if they are they'll be good for someone to eat at least.

I have 2 RIR roos for sale. They are just a year old. They should be safe around kids. I have a 4 and a 6 year old and have never had any problems with either of them. My barn is overflowing with chicks from them so I think I am ready to let them go. I am asking $7 each or best offer. I am in Hart Co.
This is the dominant roo, I can get pictures of them both if anyone is interested.

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