Kentucky people

Okay guys, I gotta brag a bit

I survived HRM and Algebra!!!

New GPA: 3.5

It went down a bit, I believe it was 3.7 before, but I hated that HR class! I'm surprised I did as well in it as I did! Go me!!
Looks great, I prefer the grey and red - I think the whole thing painted red might have stuck out too much.


So did you get Sam to the bus station okay? I got those girls in a cage waiting for you....I'll be here, so if I don't answer (if you call first) I'm probably outside. Not only do I have to feed all my animals (which takes a good 45 minutes at least), but I'm taking care of dad's dogs, chickens, and pigeons. So it takes a little bit

I should be there shortly after 10 AM - I've been sleeping in
but I have to stop that.
Yeah, I got sammy off on the bus - I messed up with the ticket, though - I had him returning next sunday!! the ticket guy said just return on the 12th like I wanted, and if they notice the date he'll just have to pay 15 bucks extra - but they probably won't notice. He said the schedule would be the same time and bus changes, etc....

yay!! two weeks, no kids!!!
Congratulations Shelleyd! Keep up the good work. How many more classes till graduation? Or do you want to look that far ahead yet?

I haven't been on for a while, I've been quite busy doing other things. I have been following the thread though.

How ya doin' Mojo. Been following your input including your pregnancys. The donkeys of course (to avoid confusing other people.)
Good to see you're back cthrash. Good coop. Artful self portrat.
Howdy to the dogs. Duke and Blue...

Welcome all new folks.

I have started letting my spirited Dark Cornish out into the yard this past week. Had to get some 5 foot fencing but it seems to not be enough. I haven't had so much trouble from any breed of chickens as these. They are so skiddish and can fly. Perhaps the few that make it to breeding age will be the calmer ones.

I am now down from 13 to just 10 birds. I started out hatching 15 of 16 eggs then lost one to unabsorbed yoke. The transfer from the house to the coop one got away and was never seen again. and now three more this week... Looks like I need an enclosed pen for them.

I've been culling my flock this month in anticipation of ear surgery in late July. I will not be able to do anything for 3 days afterwards and then not much for a week after that. I have things set up for a weeks worth of food and water for them and a friend will come over and get the eggs for me.

My freezer is full of roos. and I have sold off several older laying hens to a local guy who will take good care of them. More like gave them away. But it is for the best.

I do have a pair of Bantam Barred Rocks I should rehome. These are more like pets. The roo crows, and the hen is looking like she is about to start laying. They come from Washington State where the people I got the eggs from said that they came from Breeder stock. Well, they said champion stock but that doesn't mean much for the offspring.

Speaking of Barred rocks. Just the two of them seem to shed more feathers than any flock of any other breed that I have had. Perhaps it is just the warm weather and I haven't noticed solid colored feathers.

Rusty my main Roo is starting to show his age. he is still the boss roo but his feathers are starting to look ragged. His spurs are about 2½ inches long. He acts aggressive, but he lets me handle him.

He seems to be conflicted about me. He comes up and dances like He is the boss and doesn't want to be picked up but when I grab him and pet him he seems to like it and becomes calm. He has started the bad habit of trying to peck at me when I grab him to pet him though.

Well, this is probably long enough. You all have a safe 4th.
Well, providing everything goes as planned, I should have my associate's degree in May of next year. But then it's just onward and upward from there
At least then I should be able to get a decent job in this hick-town, better than McDonalds anyway. Though my son would love it if I did work at McDonalds, but that's another story....

Too bad you are so far away, I would love to have the bantam BR. I got some eggs from AussieSharon a while back, but thanks to my inability to hatch shipped eggs, I only got one chick, which eventually died. I guess I'm just not meant to have chickens? I had 2=100% hatches the other day from shipped eggs, one batch was coturnix quail that came from Ohio, the other was guineas that came from Florida. I don't think I've ever had a 100% hatch on anything, so I was pretty excited about that! Too bad the quail weren't something special, just regular jumbo browns, of which I already have 12. Oh well

ETA: I hope your surgery goes well
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Oh Shelley!! Congrats!!

I can assure you that you are meant to have chickens!! And maybe some Muscovy ducks and Turkeys...I can help with those as well as the chickens any!!!

I have babies all over the place again..and I wasn't even!! The only thing in the bator is some quail eggs..guess they are jealous.
Darned old broody hens are taking over!!
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Congratulations Shelley!! Good luck with the rest of it as well.

I just took some new pics of my little flock, but I can't find the cord to my camera
. It's probably in with all the stuff I brought home from school. I'll post some pics when I find it.

Meri, we are missing Feathers, but none of us as much as Pumpkin. Now she has taken to try to find another "buddy" and keeps trying to shadow some of the other pullets. Plus, when I hold any of the others she just has to jump up and get on my lap as well. It is endearing.
Now I just can't wait until they all lay so I can know 100% they are all girls.
Looks great, I prefer the grey and red - I think the whole thing painted red might have stuck out too much.


So did you get Sam to the bus station okay? I got those girls in a cage waiting for you....I'll be here, so if I don't answer (if you call first) I'm probably outside. Not only do I have to feed all my animals (which takes a good 45 minutes at least), but I'm taking care of dad's dogs, chickens, and pigeons. So it takes a little bit

Caught em while you could so you don't have to chase em down huh? Chasing is so much fun though
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