Kentucky people

sorry, folks guess I forgot to sign out again - Kenny stopped by with that incubator, and I swapped him 4 chickens for it. Then I was putting the ducks in and fell on my butt, so when I finally came in I had to have a shower.

No idea when Casey County is, but I'm definately going this fall.

Chickens are selling great if ya sell them cheap enough - not sure how well higher priced ones are going.

I was adding up all the chickens sales I've had this year (added in ducks, geese and quail - not many of any of those three) and my grand total for the first half of 2009 is about 350 chickens
Seems like way more than that - maybe I forgot to write down a few sales...

I'm sure you more experienced chicken traders do better than that
but I'm just starting - this is really just my first year selling them.

My plan is to sell more cheaply this year, to get a customer base (I've already had a few multiple sales - folks coming back for more chickens) so next year when I have purebreds (been selling mutts, mostly) I can up my price and get better money for them. My thinking is that with the economy keeping the trend it is, sales ought to be even better next year.

Cristy - depending on who is buying your market can be good or bad - Sano usually has a lot of people trying to talk you down on price - this last time (maybe cause it was the first of the month?) I only had one guy try to talk me down at all. My best prices have come from people coming here to buy - I advertise on Craigslist and at the feedstore.

I left some business cards at the feedstore last time I was in there - I've had three calls from those so far (and I just left them there last wednesday). I had an ad up - little paper thing on the tack board - but the business cards are cool because people can take it with them. I only got two calls from the ad and it's been up since April.

So... make up some business cards to leave at the feedstores.

You can get blanks at Walmart, and get templates for free online if you don't have the program already in one of your word processors. Many of them have it, I have an older version of MS Office and it isn't included, so I had to get one online. The newer versions of MS Office have the template included in the program.

I need to print some more cards, actually....

Well, I'm gonna go and sit down and watch TV with hubby. I'm beat - literally beat after that tumble in the duck pen
- so I'm gonna gel for the rest of the night.

night all -

As long as they are colored chickens, I may take some eggs - all I have right now are the mutt breeds in white/black and barred. I'll be getting those chicks, but not sure when, and I need to set some more eggs really soon. I know my customers would like something with some more color to them.

I'll come over next week, sometime and grab a dozen or two. Let me know how much and when is best.

Most of the eggs are from the mixed LF girls, but there would be some RIR in the mix. The reds have been breaking eggs just about daily, so their eggs aren't fit for setting in a bator with all the yolk on them
But we have had some really pretty birds hatch, some look like they have the mille fleur coloring, and they are LF!! From one of the two buff hens with either a bantam roo or Charlie. It's hard to say, cause those bantam roos and Charlie all have blue on them, and the chicks have a lot of blue as well.
To the ladies of the kentucky thread!!!

I have Plus size 22w women pants and shorts for sale!!!

Check out the everything eles BST thread for more info and Pictures!

Have a great offer on name brand pants. I know myself being a plus size lady how hard it is to find nice name brand pants that fit us good check em out!!

Baby cow is doing well.

I am down to about 16 chicks in the brooder coop - and am thinking of emptying it (taking them all to Sano Friday) so I can clean the thing totally then I can put the chicks that I am getting into it at two weeks old. The problem won't be keeping them warm, but keeping them cool enough - that coop gets up to 100+ degrees very easily in the daytime. Might have to close it up at evening time to hold the heat in, but they ought to be fine out there.

Oh, my one BO girl laid her first egg this morning
I have another one who is getting red faced and looking like she wants to lay, too.

I have a coon trying to dig into Mr. Speckles' coop - I keep filling the hole and he keeps digging it out again. If it hadn't have rained yesterday the cement would already be in place - hope things dry out a bit today so I can fix it before tonight. If not I'll just pile a bunch of big rocks there temporarily - I got lots of rocks

Oh, the gentleman who came over yesterday for chicks was the head of Science and Engineering at WKU, and he said I could have Jon or Sam call him about some advice on college, and WKU in particular. That was very nice of him, I thought. I think Jon is still trying to make a deal to move to Michigan, but he might not be able to just yet, so he needs to do SOMETHING. (he wants to eventually go to Lake Superior State, I told him he was nuts - it gets WAY colder up there than it does down in Grand Rapids where he is used to the winter).

Oddly enough I am less stiff this morning than I was yesterday morning - maybe Falling on my Butt put something back into place
I expected to be hurting this morning, but my back feels better than it has in awhile. go figure

wow. I just called Reichs poultry - they said they could ship today
guess I ain't out of chickens after all

Hmmm, I may need another bin.... Good thing I'm going to town today.

yay baby chickies to play with

We're new here and live just outside of Elizabethtown in the Roanoke area(considered Hodgenville but only 3 miles further from E-town)...These are our chicks Puff n' Stuff

And Mamala!

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