Kentucky people

Howdy y'all...Had a good day at the sale. Bought myself a trio of cuckoo maran's and a pair of silkie's and bought 5 and a half dozen naked neck egg's for the bator. I am gonna try my best to do the chickenstock thing. What all can I bring to sell?
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You can bring whatever you want, as long as it's in a cage or trailer. Whatever animals you bring though, please make sure they are healthy! We have dogs that run loose all the time, chickens that free range (for now), and it's going to be in the main pasture, so we have horses (won't be there at the time, but will go back afterwards). Don't need any of our critters catching something! Just make sure if you do bring caged animals that you have a tarp or something to put on the ground/table. There's a list on the first post of what people are looking for, and of what everyone has. Be sure to post on that thread and I'll add you to the list
Well, baby donkey is adorable

This morning Michelle was eating and I petted her a bit then went over to pet her baby - she was cool with it, as long as she had a clear path and clear line of sight to the baby. I made sure I was on the opposite side, not in between them. Baby was a bit scared at first, but I just moved slowly and she let me come up and pet her and scratch her neck. I guess she figured if Mama didn't intervene, then I was ok.

Still do not have a name for her, I am sort of waitng to see what her personality is gonna be like. I'll try to get some better pics today than I had yesterday. It is more overcast - easier to take pics if the sun isn't shining on your subject

I spent half the morning trying to seperate all the BR chicks out of the rest of the flock of babies. Finally got that done. Someone emailed me and might want to buy them all as a package deal. I need to go back out in a bit and count and see what all I have, though, because I needed a diet coke after the chick wrangling.

From what I can see, there might be a couple that I hatched out of Shelleys eggs that I may keep to toss into George's coop - and Baby Mama gets to stay, of course,
she is such a sweet chicken. Poor girl was freaking out a little that I was trying to catch her babies this morning. I had to catch her to put her out of the pen so I could do what I had to do.

I let the chickens out yesterday afternoon, after they laid me a good 10 eggs or so - then Purdy (one of the Buff Orps) immediately ran to the barn and laid her egg in the hay
- at least I know ONE hiding spot. I let them out this morning, just because after chasing chicks, I didn't feel like messing with them being cooped up (they are such brats when I have to leave them cooped.) Plus, I might be worming them soon, before winter, so they'll have to be cooped then, might as well let them roam while they have the chance.

Wierdest thing just happened,,,,A guy call's and ask if I had chick's. I said yes...3 day's old and older. He come's over and buy's 1 cochin chick. He said, how much? I said 3.00. He said how about 5.00 I said cool...He take's the chick and roll's out...Is that wierd or what?
Well, this is mildly irritating.....

turns out I have THREE white male calls. The other two were just later getting their drake feathers (by a good month and a half!) than the other one.

Good thing I bought that other female from Larry, I guess, so I have two females at least.

So, my call flock is gonna get even smaller, I guess

oh well, just means I can keep more babies in the spring when I start hatching

I won't be on much this week anymore - we are painting the guest trailer. Hubby figured it'd be better to do it before we get the deck in next week, so it came up awfully sudden

Hardest part is taping off the windows.

Does anyone know if there is anyone in the central KY area that breeds turken or actual Ameraucana or araucana? Raccoons/possum have altered my flock to mutt chickens. So I am thinking about doing one of two things. One, buy some pure blue egg hens to breed 100% green egg pullets or Two, buy some Naked neck hens and turn my mutts into naked necks. I cant decide which one to do. I have a "deleware" marked cockerel and a gold ducking cockerel and I think it would be neat to breed cuckoo and duckwing marked NN or EEs. I cant get any until my wife gets off of maternity leave but I want to start looking now. Of course my wife hates NNs and has threatened me but oh well lol.
spydertoys (I think that's who it was!) did have some naked necks at Sano one day. I don't know if she breeds them, or if she just had the two roosters. I have 1 black ameraucana pullet. I was going to breed them, but my dog changed my mind for me. You would always get an EE rooster to breed to your hens, if the rooster came from a green or blue egg, it will 'change' the color of the offspring's eggs. For example, if you have an EE rooster that hatched from a blue egg, and cross it over a white egg-laying hen, the offspring pullets should lay blue or green eggs. If you cross it over a brown egg-layer, the offspring should lay an olive green egg.

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