Kentucky people

We had a little thunder and some sparse fat raindrops... Yeah I got there... I have a very happy and very relaxed girly right now. Thanks for the advice, I was kinda at a loss... I think she'll be fine without having to deal with the stress of finding a place on the totem pole, she gets the whole yard back there to herself now. Told Spydertoys she can fly well so I don't think she'll have a problem getting away from any ground dangers. She flew right over the fence when I was trying to get her back in the pen yesterday.
Finally found a nice pair of white old english...even got 6 egg's in the deal
Well, BabyMama has gotten into the habit of waiting on a perch in the morning, until I come in to feed the quail, then she'll chatter to me to pick her up and carry her outside (can we say SPOILED?)

She is such a sweet chicken - so unlike Jr.

Jr. screams bloody murder (literally) if you even look at her in the wrong way. BabyMama, on the other hand, loves to be held and petted. Not too long,
but she likes her morning scratchies.

I have two calves with pinkeye
but thankfully pinkeye season is about done with, so hopefully I caught it before anyone else got it.

I'm thinking of hauling TeaCake over to Smith's Grove and just finding anyone who'll take him off my hands for the best price I can get out of him. I don't have room to keep him in his own pen. I have more calves coming and I need the calf pens for calves (that is, after all, why we built them.)

Well, the guy coming for chickens had something come up, so I need to go turn those two girls loose so they can play. Be back...

Well things are pretty quiet on here today! Where is everyone at?

Meri ducked out of Sano pretty quick tonight, it's not much fun when you don't have anything to sell, huh?

I came home 7 guineas heavier
I bought 5 (2 lavender, 3 pearl) for $4 each,. They are about 2-3 months old, judging by their size. I also got 2 buff dundottes, 1 is for sure a female, and I believe the other one is as well. Those are the same color as my original 'flock', so I needed those. I payed $7 each on them. So $34 for 7 guineas, not bad I don't think. They are all 'started' birds, let's just hope they aren't all males! I know 1 is female, and I hope some of the others are as well
I only have 2 females in my others, 1 buff dundotte and 1 pearl. All 3 of the lavenders I had already are males, and I have a male pearl baby, and 3 buff dundotte males. I have some buff babies in the brooder, but they are too young to tell.
Yeah, hubby was hungry for dinner, had chores to do, etc... so we grabbed some tomatoes, some apples, a black raspberry jam and hit the road. (that jam was really good
made eggs and bacon and toast for dinner - with the jam on the toast).

I sold TeaCake today - so now I have my calf corral back.
BlackJack watched Tea get loaded into the truck, watched him go down the driveway, then promptly grabbed Maggie and decided she needed some lovin'
I think he'll be happier being the top jack in the pasture. (and the girls will be happier, too).

Well Meri, Don't look like you'll be getting eggs from that Am... A possum got her last night. Was the only place I could keep her though so I just had to take my chances that nothing would find her. Now I'm gonna have to get a have a heart trap so it doesn't bring the rest of the family.

Sorry, Cindy
Just an update. A couple of days ago I had two large hawks swoop low over the yard where my two barred rock bantams were and a chicken tractor with about 20 chicks in it. I was in the back yard and a third hawk landed on the telephone pole in the front yard. I ran around and picked up both bantams and then walked over and stomped the telephone pole to make it vibrate. the hawk flew off and I gave the chicken warning call so the two bantams in my arms would get a hint. Hope they did because they both saw it. The hawks hung around for a bit then left. I think it was a pair with a yearling, and they were showing it the best places in town to get a free meal.

Cthrash: Sorry to hear about your hen. Good luck catching the varmit.

Mojo: Congratulations on getting rid of your a&& of a donkey. I don't keep bad roos and wouldn't keep a bad a-- either.

Shelleyd: I got off work and hope to be at your chicken stock.

Bluedog: You have a nice pair of white OE's. Something to be proud of.
I think we're good on tables, but if you plan on bringing birds you should bring a tarp to put under them. You might want to bring the extension cords, just in case. Dad has some, but it's hard telling where they are. There are others bringing some, but you never know how many we'll need

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