Kentucky people

I'm kinda pumped today. I processed a roo in about 51 minutes. That includes plucking, as I am working this week and needed to cook him the normal way since I am in a hurry to get to bed. (I work nights) I'm still going to try skinning one sometime in the near future.

I have found that a small pair of sewing sissors does wonders around the vent and down the back of the neck. Also removing the sticky stuff around the windpipe and gullet. Always had trouble using a knife and hanging on to the bird and streching the skin all at the same time.

I don't know about my hens. I had to set up some new nests today as they were complaining about not having enough open nests. Four hens trying to use two nests with about two other hens complaining from a distance. It seems that one nest was just not in the right spot or something because none of them felt comfortable in it even though it was the exact same as the other two. So I moved it. I also put up another one and put a hen in it and she used it. It's odd that the same box in a different location is either liked or ignored.

My Cornish hens are just are not laying, where as, my delcons are going to town. Same coop but seperated. I removed the roo from the cornish but that doesn't seem to be helping either. When I get a bit more time I think I will seperate out a few hens and see just who is laying and who isn't. I have zip strips of different colors and can designate a layer from the unknowns. The non layers ... well, in about a month or two I will run out of roasting roos so the non productive hens will be looked at. (feed bill is too high) I really hope I don't have any egg eaters.

I have been making omlets lately with a bit of milk whipped in with the eggs. I didn't know that eggs would rise in the frying pan. It is kind of interesting what fresh eggs will do that old eggs will not. I bet that I could make keesh. what ever keesh is as long as I had fresh eggs. I've been told that fresh eggs whip up into a really nice morane. Pardon the spelling, what I mean is the fluffy stuff on a pie. morainge, moraine, morane. What ever!!!

Well, I think the roo is done cooking so I got to go.
Will get alot faster as time goes by. I skin mine and i can skin and take thighs, legs, wings, breast and it only takes me about 5 mins well not including the cone time. Lots of practice with wild turkeys help
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Quich*e and Me ring u eh? Well... okay... go ahead and ring me up quick.

Gee willikars Mr. Peabody, Why can't American words be spelt the American way?

I quess cause there aint no such language, just a hodge podge of borrowed words from all over the world.

Well I found a nest today. It is a coiled up electrical cord. It seems that it makes a nice nest. No padding, no wood chips just the electrical cord laying on a board. It had 10 nice eggs from who knows how long ago. Silly girls. I wonder if I put the cord into a nest box if they would use the nest?

And I agree HobbyChickener, "it is hard to beat the taste of a fresh chicken".
Nice site! Keep up the great work... We aren't too far from you guys... I've been to Bluedog420s a few times trading, he lives a little south of Berea.
My broody Cochin bantam is sitting on a few Cochin bantam eggs. Started with 6(mailed in from Ga) but due to detached aircell on two and a blood ring on the third I am now down to 3 thriving eggs. They are either 2 white and one barred or 1 white, 1 barred, and 1 black.
Hi all, just popping in to see if anyone has heard about the consignment auction in Liberty this spring? I was told it was the 27th of this month, but haven't received a flyer yet. I really hope it's not next month, cause I have a lot of quail due to hatch for it! I would hate to have to feed these little guys a whole extra month!
Anyone around Lexington need a hilarious little bantam roo?

Cracker Jack is buff colored, white earlobes and blue legs, hatched this past July for my daughter's birthday. We raised him as a pet, but lately he's way way WAY too loud for my suburb. He loves to crow and squawk.

I'm so sad to give him away! I'm trying to find him a good home where he can have a few bantam ladies. (He is satisfied with full sized hens too, at least he tries really hard LOL.)

He's very protective of the hens, and he can't be thrown in with other roos because he'll try to fight them all. He kept getting himself beat up at my house.
He thinks he's a big man, no one told him he's trapped in a little body. He fought my male Pekin duck and won, and he also tried to fight a raccoon...lucky for him the raccoon was diseased and confused...

He would make a good pet for an older child. He likes to eat from your hand and tolerates my 3 year old carrying him around everywhere, when she can catch him.
He's perfectly healthy, I've never had any diseases or "cold" symptoms in my flock.

Anyone? Someone take him and love him! He's crowing in a box in my back room right now.

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