Kildare Park Olive Farm

Hi there, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow

Are they NPIP certified? Or you picking up local?

I couldn't figure out how to use their site. Seems like the prices they're charging they could afford to get a real website?? :confused:

And I would wanna see pics of their current stock before I bought anything. :pop
Hi there, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow

Are they NPIP certified? Or you picking up local?

I couldn't figure out how to use their site. Seems like the prices they're charging they could afford to get a real website?? :confused:

And I would wanna see pics of their current stock before I bought anything. :pop
Okay, the only reason I was wanting to get chicks from there was because they are the ONLY place I could find any blue/BBS Faverolle chicks/ hatching eggs. Do you know a better place I could get them? I’ve been searching and can’t find anything.
Do you know a better place I could get them?
I'm not saying they are bad. What I am saying is make contact and ask questions. They need to be NPIP certified to ship legally. I too charge high prices for my chicks and hatching eggs because I KNOW how much effort went into finding and breeding to get where I am now... AND I don't maintain any website at all whether free or paid.

Ask them to send you pics. Ask how many hens and roosters they are keeping and how closely related they are. Ask if they offer a live delivery guarantee and for how long after arrival. Ask them where they got their stock. If they Marek's vaccinate their chicks, it would be a deal breaker for me as vaccinated birds are NOT welcome here to hide a virus IF it does present... you might feel differently, and that's okay. We all have different thoughts and goals.

Have you looked for any Faverolle clubs?

A link to folks who MIGHT have what you're looking for...

Or maybe you can find these guys...

"Blue Salmon Hen: Skyline Farms Located in Northeastern Tennessee NPIP Offering Large Fowl Faverolles in Salmon, Blue Salmon, Splash Salmon, and White varieties."

MPC claims a small number of chicks will hatch out blue salmon...

Not sure if you can find breeders through the American Poultry Association might have a list?? Or a list of breeders clubs?

It takes work to find the more rare colors of the birds we like. And I have spent hundreds of dollars on hatching eggs to get just one or two cockerels in the variety I wanted only to have to work my way through generations to build a flock of my own. It's a fun adventure and sooo worth it if you are going to help preserve or advance the breed you choose to work with. Hope this helps with some ideas. Best wishes! :fl

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