killing a dog that killed your poultry

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about dogs around here. animal control officer told me himself not long ago there was an incident not far away where dogs broke into the barn and "slaughtered" a bunch of goats .........they never did catch the dogs that did it. i have a friend who has had everything broken into and eaten from dogs. rabbits (chewed through the bottom of hutches", chickens ate through the gates, goats killed. he can't keep any animals over there
animal control also stated that there are a lot of foxes and coyotes starting to do serious damage. (isn't it nice when people let unfixed dogs run loose and they mate with coyotes)? makes for a nice animal don't ya think?
this neighbor doesn't kill only strays. he kills any dog he sees. when we moved in four neighbors told us to make sure we always kept our dogs secure on our property cause it not the guy would shoot it. lady in the back her dog got out, she was fantically running through my woods calling it back. i saw her and she asked me where the dog went to and i told her and tried to help her get it back. the old lady in the back corner was out and we asked her where it went. the woman was crazy scared and she kept saying oh my god, oh my god, if she goes onto that guy's property he will shoot her. the old lady agreed with her, she replied he for sure would. by the way, as far as i can determine the guy who's dog we sadly shot was none other then the guy who shoots everyone else's dog for stepping across the line................
i think the dog problem around here is related to the fact that these folks use dogs to run down game when they hunt. if one goes missing they don't stop to find it .........then it becomes a nuisance dog
my partner just said if he knew the dog belonged to that guy he would have sent him home with a dead guinea tied around his neck. yeah, i said but we didn't know it belonged to anyone and what good is it to tie a dead guinea around some stray dogs neck?
This is a common perception. I just read an article about some genetic research showing that it is quite rare. In general, coyotes will mate with wolves but eat dogs. I don't have a link handy but Google is your friend. I think even the researchers were surprised.
just read an article. problematic but it can occur. i used to live in california and people always talked about coydogs out there
question is electric fencing safe to use around poulty? if they hit it what does it do? never used it for that myself...........
Whenever a dog takes up residence on our property I take it to the animal shelter. If the owner wants the dog badly enough they will check there and if they have to pay enough in fines to bail the pet out it should put a curb on letting it roam free. If the owner does not pick it up someone else may adopt it. If no one is willing to care for the dog that is a tragedy and it may well be put down. It's better than being hit by a car, mauled by another animal, dying of disease, shot by a disgruntled property owner (especially if their aim is poor). It may sound cruel to some but working in a veterinary hospital for 14 years I've seen the pain that dogs suffer when any of the aforementioned happens. In the shelter the animals have food, shelter and veterinary care if needed. I am lucky enough to live within close range of a shelter, many people do not.
how adoptable are dogs that have killed other domestic animals? and the reason we did it the way we did it was we wanted to make sure it was quick and that we didn't shoot the thing up by missing........
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