killing a dog that killed your poultry

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I've had trouble with the neighbors dogs for YEARS. At first I shot over it to scare it away, hollered at it etc. Then one day they killed 42 RIR pullets and that was that. The Sheriff's dept told me to shoot them but to make SURE I killed them and didn't just hurt them. So now when a neigbors dog comes up missing I know nothing about it.
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Good for you. I plan on calling the state police when I shoot my neighbors dogs. I don't want to bury something that is not mine in the first place. I also have a folder of all calls I have made to the ACO about the animals along with all the MG laws that the town the ACO and my neighbors have broken.... Ohhh can't forget the ones giving me full right to shot on site.
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Everytiime this lady has a dog come up missing she calls the law on ME!!! The sheriff finally told her that I was gonna keep on killing them as they kept on tresspassing and she STILL doesn't pen them up. ETA: I'm not the only neighbor she has but a few years back I made the mistake of catching one of the dogs and taking it to her and telling her to keep it at home.
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For the OP: Because you caught the dog killing your birds and you tried to pen him with the intention of calling animal services , the judge should throw out the charges with no fine. After all, you only shot it because it became agressive and you believed it was going to attack you. It is a good thing you grabbed your gun before you went outside to check on your screaming guineas! It seems some of your original statements may have been unclear or misunderstood due to the stress of the situation.

Do I have that right? It seems you did nothing wrong. Perhaps your lawyer should press that point in court.
thank all of you guys. you sure are making me laugh from time to time. and giving me some great ideas for the "next time". i sure hope to never have one and thinking of ways i can prevent it. but i know i can only do "so much". i go back and forth getting angry and then saying fine i guess i just have to sit here and take it. but then i go back to thinking no way. I will protect my flock no matter what.........and make sure not to be "too honest" again.
i don't like killing dogs (or anything else for that matter). never did that. don't like having done it and thought SSS sounds great to me. I would prefer to find a different way in the future to handle it (as far as my finances can afford)
This is a common perception. I just read an article about some genetic research showing that it is quite rare. In general, coyotes will mate with wolves but eat dogs. I don't have a link handy but Google is your friend. I think even the researchers were surprised.

It might be rare where you are but around here the yotes and the coydogs run rampant,i see more coydogs than coyotes.Purdue university has done dna testing on animals my dogs have killed and confirmed they were coydogs.
I agree with you. I am talking about when you have no choice. Just the other day I yelled to my daughter to get the gun. Looked like a pack of dogs down in the woods. While she went to get it I picked up a pipe and went down there. Turned out it was a mommy and her 4 babies. I told them to get. One of the babies barked at me but they left. The mom had a collar and was out taking her babies for a walk. Watched them for a minute and smiled. Times like that there is no reason to hurt them. I am sorry for your loss
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