Killing Horses for Humans to Eat!

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I know this isn't about chickens, but we are animal people, not just chicken people. Has anyone else heard about this? The House and Senate just approved a bill legalizing the slaughter of horses for human consumption and OBAMA SIGNED IT IN TO LAW!! On November 18th.

Are they kidding? This is preposterous!
What is preposterous about it? I like horse meat!

There is no difference eating a horse or a cow / pig etc.

I used to eat horse most weeks when I live in Europe. Now i am in Asia and eat much stranger animals including insects, frogs and the occasional dog.
It is a forbidden meat in Jewish dietary law. Since most studies show that the "clean" meats have less harmful pathogens than "unclean" which horse meat is... and of course pork.
It is a forbidden meat in Jewish dietary law. Since most studies show that the "clean" meats have less harmful pathogens than "unclean" which horse meat is... and of course pork.
And rabbit, and squirrel, and shellfish. However, you would be hard pressed to find any more harmful pathogens in the pork you find in the supermarket than any other meat. And what pathogens would you find in horsemeat that you wouldn't find in lamb or beef, for heaven's sake?
And rabbit, and squirrel, and shellfish. However, you would be hard pressed to find any more harmful pathogens in the pork you find in the supermarket than any other meat. And what pathogens would you find in horsemeat that you wouldn't find in lamb or beef, for heaven's sake?
The reports I have read are very reliable and very proven and actually very much undisputed by those that have read them. Look it up yourself. Surely you know what a bottom feeder is or a scavenger. It is determined by what they will or will not eat. A bottom feeder eats dead and decaying matter, a scaled fish does not. A pig eats dead and decaying matter a cow or sheep does not, a horse does eat dead and decaying matter (although rare) but it does not digest its food the way a cow or sheep does increasing the risk of putting harmful pathogens into its fat and possibly meat.

Mad cow is linked to feeding brain,hoof and hornmeal. All animal parts forbidden to eat by Jewish dietary laws BTW.
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I am for anything that will lower the price of meat in the market. I have eaten horse before. I found it tasty.

During the last great depression, my father survived eating burros and horses. Bullhead City used to have an annual burro barbeque.

In fact about four years ago some lady from back east severely criticized me and said "Americans don't eat horses." I guess she just wasn't hungry enough.
I am for anything that will lower the price of meat in the market. I have eaten horse before. I found it tasty.

During the last great depression, my father survived eating burros and horses. Bullhead City used to have an annual burro barbeque.

In fact about four years ago some lady from back east severely criticized me and said "Americans don't eat horses." I guess she just wasn't hungry enough.
I found a website called . This place has the facts on horse slaughter. Here's my most favorite part;
Horse slaughter and even transport to slaughter are abuses. Try and argue, but these are the facts.
What is your alternative for unwanted horses? You can have the vet put them down. But that isn't cheap. You can shoot them. Then what do you do with the dead body? Unless you have access to a tractor, burying is not really an option. Where I lived in California it cost in excess of $200 to take them to a rendering plant. And how is hauling horses to a slaughterhouse any more inhumane than hauling them any place else? Until not that many years ago, slaughter was a legal option for horses in this country. Then it was banned. I don't think the ban improved the life of horses any. In some cases it made it worse. It was not uncommon for people abandoned the animals to starve.
If you didn't go to the website, here are the details;
Horse slaughter and even transport to slaughter are abuses.
Even though horse slaughter has stopped in the U.S., our horses are still being subjected to intense suffering and abuse though transport and slaughter over the border. Undercover footage shows live horses being dragged, whipped, and crammed into trucks in whose interiors were 110 degrees.

Horses are often shipped for more than 24 hours at a time in crowded double-deck cattle trucks without food, water, or rest. Pregnant mares, foals, injured horses, and even blind horses must endure the journey.

There's the truth on horse slaughter. And for all you people who say 'its a humane way for them to die', YA'LL ARE STUPID!
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