Killing, Plucking, Eviscerating, & Cutting Up Your Chicken - Graphic!

Detergent- just squirt some in. The amount doesn't really matter much.

If you're cooking the meat during your scald, your water is probably too hot. There isn't ONE temperature, rather a range. I set my thermometer at about 143 degrees, but anywhere from 130 to 160 works- the cooler your water, the longer your dunk will be, but you're less likely to tear the skin or cook the bird.

I don't dunk the feet, but you would need to to skin them.

The cold water is to stop the "cooking" after the scald. I dunk mine in ice water immediately after they go into the hot water to immediately stop any further cooking of the skin beyond loosening up the feathers.
I figured that would be the answer. heehee

Hubby just did our problem roo, and he looks kinda blue under the skin, I thought maybe he didn't bleed him long enough. ??

This thread was really helpful, as we didn't know about the glands in the tail.
Well, that should have bled him out fine I would have thought. The only thing I can think of is that if you cut the head off, the heart stops beating (besides some electrical movement,) instantly, which leaves a bit of blood behind, whereas cutting the jugular vein allows the bird to bleed out a little better.
Do they suffer more by cutting the Jugular? I noticed in this guys post he said to cut the vein and bleed until the chicken expires. That kind of worried me. I want them to "expire" instantaneously. ??
My birds seem to "pass out" as soon as I slice through their jugular veins. I use a good sharp knife, hold their heads and stretch their necks taut, and make a deep decisive cut right below their jaw bone. They go limp & their eyes close right afterwards. There will be some residual flipping & flapping, but that's just reflexes, I don't think they're conscious of any of it.

I think I hurt my birds more when I tried to chop their heads. I couldn't get a good solid swing to remove their heads with one neat stroke. I've seen men able to do that, but I could not. I also found the carcasses to be bloodier after chopping, but cleaner after slicing.
Oh, well. Okay.

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